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UNIX Power Tools

UNIX Power ToolsSearch this book
Previous: 18.12 Renaming a List of Files Interactively Chapter 18
Linking, Renaming, and Copying Files
Next: 18.14 Relinking Multiple Symbolic Links

18.13 One More Way to Do It

I couldn't resist throwing my hat into this ring. I can imagine an unsophisticated user who might not trust himself to replace one pattern with another, but doesn't want to repeat a long list of mv commands. Here's a simple script (1.5 ) that takes a list of filenames (perhaps provided by wildcards) as input, and prompts the user for a new name for each file:


# Usage: newname files
for x 
    echo -n "old name is $x, new name is: "
    read newname
    mv "$x" "$newname"

For example:


% touch junk1 junk2 junk3

% newname junk*

old name is junk1, new name is: test1

old name is junk2, new name is: test2

old name is junk3, new name is: test3

This script is so simple, it's not included on the disc. I just thought I'd throw it in to demonstrate that there's more than one way to do it, even if you aren't using Perl (18.10 ) .


Previous: 18.12 Renaming a List of Files Interactively UNIX Power Tools Next: 18.14 Relinking Multiple Symbolic Links
18.12 Renaming a List of Files Interactively Book Index 18.14 Relinking Multiple Symbolic Links

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