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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 16.19 stree: Simple Directory Tree Chapter 16
Where Did I Put That?
Next: 16.21 Finding All Directories with the Same Name

16.20 The vtree Visual Directory Tree Programs

The vtree program is similar to stree (16.19 ) , but it has a few extra features that might make it worth your while. You can use vtree to get information not only about the directories, but about how much disk space they use:

% vtree /usr

 /usr : 0
   lost+found : 0
   local : 13880
      lost+found : 0
      bin : 23673
         RCS : 41
      lib : 6421
         news : 28896
            bin : 2
         newsbin : 269
            batch : 97
            expire : 138
            input : 91

vtree also has options to show how many inodes (1.22 ) are in each directory and to control how many levels down to display. The -v option tells vtree to give a "visual" display, showing the directory structure:

% vtree -v /usr

/usr ---+-> lost+found
           +-> local ---+-> lost+found
           |              +-> bin ----+-> RCS
           |              +-> lib ----+-> news ---+-> bin
           |              |              +-> newsbin --+-> batch
           |              |              |              +-> expire
           |              |              |              +-> input

- LM

Previous: 16.19 stree: Simple Directory Tree UNIX Power Tools Next: 16.21 Finding All Directories with the Same Name
16.19 stree: Simple Directory Tree Book Index 16.21 Finding All Directories with the Same Name

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