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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: III. Working with the Filesystem Chapter 14 Next: 14.2 Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames

14. Moving Around in a Hurry

14.1 Getting Around the Filesystem

How quickly can you move around the UNIX filesystem? Can you locate any file or directory on your filesystem with both its absolute and relative pathnames? How can symbolic links help you and hurt you?

A lot of UNIX users don't realize how much they'll be helped by completely understanding a few filesystem basics. Here are some of the most important concepts and tricks to know:

  • Using relative and absolute pathnames: article 14.2 .

  • What good is a current directory? article 14.3 .

  • Saving time and typing when you change directories with cdpath : article 14.5 .

  • Directory stacks keep a list of directories you're using and let you get to them quickly: articles 14.6 , 14.7 .

  • Quick cd aliases: article 14.8 .

  • Using variables and a tilde (~ ) to help you find directories and files: articles 14.10 , 14.11 .

  • A mark alias to mark directory for cd 'ing back: article 14.12 .

  • Problems when cd 'ing through symbolic links: article 14.13 .

  • Automatic setup for entering and exiting a directory: article 14.14 .

- JP

Previous: III. Working with the Filesystem UNIX Power Tools Next: 14.2 Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames
III. Working with the Filesystem Book Index 14.2 Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames

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