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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 2.3 What Goes in Shell Setup Files? Chapter 2
Logging In
Next: 2.5 Tips for Speeding up Slow Logins

2.4 Tip for Changing Account Setup: Keep a Shell Ready

The shell is your interface to UNIX. If you make a bad mistake when you change your .cshrc , .login or .profile file (2.2 ) , or your password, it can be tough to log in and fix things.

Before you change your setup, it's a good idea to start a login session to the same account from somewhere else. Use that session for making your changes. Log in again elsewhere to test your changes.

Don't have a terminal with multiple windows or another terminal close to your desk? You can get the same result by using rlogin or telnet (1.33 ) to log in to your host again from the same terminal. What I mean is:

somehost% vi .cshrc

   ...Make edits to the file
somehost% rlogin localhost

   ...Logs you in to your same account
An error message

somehost% logout

Connection closed.
somehost% vi .cshrc

   ...Edit to fix mistake

If you don't have rlogin or telnet , the command su -  username (22.22 ) , where username is your username, will do about the same thing.

- JP

Previous: 2.3 What Goes in Shell Setup Files? UNIX Power Tools Next: 2.5 Tips for Speeding up Slow Logins
2.3 What Goes in Shell Setup Files? Book Index 2.5 Tips for Speeding up Slow Logins

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