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11.5 Operators

The following table lists the operators, in order of increasing precedence, that are available in awk . Note: while ** and **= are common extensions, they are not part of POSIX awk .

Symbol Meaning

= += -= *= /= %= ^= **=

?: C conditional expression (nawk only)
|| Logical OR (short-circuit)
&& Logical AND (short-circuit)
in Array membership (nawk only)
~ !~ Match regular expression and negation
< <= > >= != == Relational operators
(blank) Concatenation
+ - Addition, subtraction
* / % Multiplication, division, and modulus (remainder)
+ - ! Unary plus and minus, and logical negation
^ ** Exponentiation
++ -- Increment and decrement, either prefix or postfix
$ Field reference

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