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delta [options ] files

Incorporate changes (add a delta) to one or more SCCS files . delta stores changes made to a text file retrieved by get -e and then edited. delta normally removes the text file.



Use diff instead of bdiff to find the changes. Solaris only.

-g list

Ignore deltas whose SCCS IDs (version numbers) are specified in the comma-separated list . Use - to supply a range; e.g., 1.3,2.1-2.5 .

-m [list ]

Supply a list of modification request numbers as reasons for creating new deltas. -m is useful only when admin has set the v flag for file . If -m is omitted, the terminal displays MRs? as an input prompt.


Do not remove the edited file (extracted by get -e ) after execution of delta .


Print a diff -style listing of delta changes to file .

-r SID

Delta version number that identifies file . -r is needed only when more than one version of an SCCS file is being edited simultaneously.


Suppress printing of new SID and other delta information.

-y [string ]

Insert string as a comment describing why the delta was made. If -y is omitted, the terminal displays comments? as an input prompt.

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