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print [ output-expr [, ...]] [ dest-expr ]

Evaluate the output-expr and direct it to standard output, followed by the value of ORS . Each comma-separated output-expr is separated in the output by the value of OFS . With no output-expr , print $0 .

Output Redirections

dest-expr is an optional expression that directs the output to a file or pipe.

> file

Directs the output to a file, overwriting its previous contents.

>> file

Appends the output to a file, preserving its previous contents. In both cases, the file is created if it does not already exist.

| command

Directs the output as the input to a Unix command.

Be careful not to mix > and >> for the same file. Once a file has been opened with > , subsequent output statements continue to append to the file until it is closed.

Remember to call close() when you have finished with a file or pipe. If you don't, eventually you will hit the system limit on the number of simultaneously open files.

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