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genmsg [options ] files ...

Solaris only. Extract messages strings from source code that uses catgets (3C) for further processing with gencat . The purpose of this command is to create the initial data for use by a translator when internationalizing an application. See also gencat and mkmsgs .



Append (merge) the output into the file specified by -o .


Place extracted comments after the corresponding message, instead of before it.

-c tag

Extract messages containing tag and write them, prefixed by $ , in a comment in the output file.


Also add the original messages as comments in the output file.


With -r , overwrite the original input files. With -l , also overwrite the project files.

-g file

Create file as a project file, listing set numbers and their maximum message numbers.

-l file

Use information in file as a project file to calculate new message numbers.

-m prefix

Fill in the message with prefix . Intended for testing.

-M suffix

Fill in the message with suffix . Intended for testing.


Add comments in the output indicating the original file's name and line number for the message.

-o msgfile

Put the output in msgfile .

-p preprocessor

Run the source files through preprocessor before extracting messages.


Replace message numbers with -1 (negative one). Reverse action of -l .

-s tag

Extract comments of the form /* SET tag */ from the source files. Write them to the output as comments, prefixed with $ . Only the first matching comment for tag is extracted.


Triple the lengths of extracted messages. Intended for testing.


Don't warn about message and set number range checks and conflicts.

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Reference: gencat Book Index Reference: get

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