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fdformat [options ] [device ]

Solaris only. Format floppy disks and PCMCIA memory cards. device is the name of the appropriate device to format, and varies considerably based on the density of the media, the capability of the disk drive, and whether or not volume management is in effect.


-b label

Apply the label to the media. SunOS labels may be up to eight characters; DOS labels may be up to eleven uppercase characters.

-B file

Install bootloader in file on an MS-DOS diskette. Can only be used with -d or -t dos .


Format a 720KB (3.5 inch) or 360KB (5.25 inch) double-density diskette (same as -l or -L ). Use on high- or extended-density drives.


Eject floppy disk when done.


Format a 2.88MB (3.5 inch) extended-density diskette.


Force. Do not prompt for confirmation before formatting.


Format a 1.44MB (3.5 inch) or 1.2MB (5.25 inch) high-density diskette. Use on extended-density drive.


Use a 1.2MB (3.5 inch) medium-density format on a high-density diskette. Use only with the -t nec option. Identical to -m .


Unmount any filesystems on the media, and then format.


Quiet mode. Don't print status messages.


Verify each block on the media after formatting.


Don't format, just write a SunOS label or MS-DOS filesystem.

-t dos

Install an MS-DOS filesystem and boot sector formatting. Same as DOS format or -d .

-t nec

Install an NEC-DOS filesystem and boot sector after formatting. Use only with -M .

Compatibility Options

These options are for compatibility with previous versions of fdformat . Their use is discouraged.


Same as -t dos .


Same as -D or -L .


Same as -l or -D .


Same as -M .

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