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cxref [options ] files

Build a cross-reference table for each of the C source files . The table lists all symbols, providing columns for the name and the associated function, file, and line. In the table, symbols are marked by = if assigned, - if declared, or * if defined. cxref also accepts the cc options -D , -I , and -U .



Report on all files in a single table.


Don't execute the second pass of cxref ; save output from first pass in .cx files. (Like -c in lint and cc .)


Simplify report by omitting print declarations.


Print files using full pathname, not just the filename.


Don't print local variables.

-L [n ]

Limit the LINE field to n columns (default is 5).

-o file

Send output to file .


Silent mode; don't print input filenames.


Format for 80-column listing.


Print version information on standard error.

-w [n ]

Format for maximum width of n columns (default is 80; n must be more than 50).

-W n1 , n2 , n3 , n4

Set the width of each (or any) column to n1 , n2 , n3 , or n4 (respective defaults are 15, 13, 15, and 20). Column headings are NAME, FILE, FUNCTION, and LINE, respectively.

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