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cscope [options ] files

Interactive utility for finding code fragments in one or more C, lex , or yacc source files . cscope builds a symbol cross reference (named cscope.out by default) and then calls up a menu. The menu prompts the user to search for functions, macros, variables, preprocessor directives, etc. Type ? to list interactive commands. Subsequent calls to cscope rebuild the cross reference if needed (i.e., if filenames or file contents have changed). Source filenames can be stored in a file cscope.files . This file can then be specified instead of files . Options -I , -p , and -T are also recognized when placed in cscope.files .



Build the symbol cross reference only.


Create output in ASCII (don't compress data).


Ignore uppercase/lowercase differences in searches.


Don't update the cross reference.


Don't show the ^E prompt between files.

-f out

Name the cross-reference file out instead of cscope. out .

-i in

Check source files whose names are listed in in rather than in cscope.files .

-I dir

Search for include files in dir before searching the default (/usr/include ). cscope searches the current directory, then dir , then the default.


Run in line mode; useful from within a screen editor.


Use with - n pat to do a single search.

-p n

Show the last n parts of the filename path. Default is 1 (filename); use 0 to suppress the filename.

-P path

Use with -d to prepend path to filenames in existing cross reference. This lets you run cscope without changing to the directory where the cross reference was built.

-s dir

Look for source files in directory dir instead of in current directory.


Match only the first eight characters of C symbols.


Build cross reference unconditionally (assume all files changed).


Ignore file timestamps (assume no files changed).


Print the cscope version on first line of screen.

- n pat

Go to field n of input (starting at 0), then find pat .

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