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Index: M

mail : (see email)
mail command : (see email)
man command : 7.1. Standard UNIX Documentation
Maximize menu item (mwm) : 2.5.4. The Window Menu
maximizing windows : 2.5.1. Using the Titlebar
menu, window (mwm) : 2.5.4. The Window Menu
metacharacters : (see wildcards)
mget command (ftp) : ftp
Minimize menu item (mwm) : 2.5.4. The Window Menu
minimizing windows : 2.5.1. Using the Titlebar
mkdir command : mkdir
more command
3.2.2. more
5.2.3. pg and more
mouse : 2.4. Working with a Mouse
Move menu item (mwm) : 2.5.4. The Window Menu
between directories : cd
files : 4.4.3. Renaming and Moving Files
windows and icons : 2.5.2. Moving Windows and Icons
mput command (ftp) : ftp
MTOOLS utilities : 4.4.6. Files on Other Operating Systems
multitasking : 6. Multitasking
mv command : 4.4.3. Renaming and Moving Files
mwm window manager : 2.5. Working with Windows
window menu : 2.5.4. The Window Menu

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