14.3. Tying Hashes
A class implementing a tied hash should define eight methods.
TIEHASH constructs new objects. FETCH and STORE access the
key/value pairs. EXISTS reports whether a key is present in the
hash, and DELETE removes a key along with its associated value.[2]CLEAR empties the hash by deleting all
key/value pairs. FIRSTKEY and NEXTKEY iterate over the key/value
pairs when you call keys, values, or each. And as usual, if
you want to perform particular actions when the object is deallocated,
you may define a DESTROY method. (If this seems like a lot of
methods, you didn't read the last section on arrays attentively.
In any event, feel free to inherit the default methods from the
standard Tie::Hash module, redefining only the interesting ones.
Again, Tie::StdHash assumes the implementation is also a hash.)
For example, suppose you want to create a hash where every
time you assign a value to a key, instead of overwriting
the previous contents, the new value is appended to an array
of values. That way when you say:
$h{$k} = "one";
$h{$k} = "two";
It really does:
push @{ $h{$k} }, "one";
push @{ $h{$k} }, "two";
That's not a very complicated idea, so you should be able to use a
pretty simple module. Using Tie::StdHash as a base class, it
is. Here's a Tie::AppendHash that does just that:
package Tie::AppendHash;
use Tie::Hash;
our @ISA = ("Tie::StdHash");
sub STORE {
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
push @{$self->{key}}, $value;
14.3.1. Hash-Tying Methods
Here's an example of an interesting tied-hash class: it gives you a
hash representing a particular user's dot files (that is, files whose
names begin with a period, which is a naming convention for
initialization files under Unix). You index into the hash with the
name of the file (minus the period) and get back that dot file's
contents. For example:
use DotFiles;
tie %dot, "DotFiles";
if ( $dot{profile} =~ /MANPATH/ or
$dot{login} =~ /MANPATH/ or
$dot{cshrc} =~ /MANPATH/ ) {
print "you seem to set your MANPATH\n";
Here's another way to use our tied class:
# Third argument is the name of a user whose dot files we will tie to.
tie %him, "DotFiles", "daemon";
foreach $f (keys %him) {
printf "daemon dot file %s is size %d\n", $f, length $him{$f};
In our DotFiles example we implement the object as a regular hash
containing several important fields, of which only the {CONTENTS}
field will contain what the user thinks of as the hash. Here are the
object's actual fields:
Field |
Contents |
Whose dot files this object represents. |
Where those dot files live. |
Whether we are allowed to change or remove those dot files. |
The hash of dot file names and content mappings. |
Here's the start of DotFiles.pm:
package DotFiles;
use Carp;
sub whowasi { (caller(1))[3] . "()" }
my $DEBUG = 0;
sub debug { $DEBUG = @_ ? shift : 1 }
For our example, we want to be able to turn on debugging output to
help in tracing during development, so we set up $DEBUG for that. We also keep one convenience
function around internally to help print out warnings: whowasi
returns the name of the function that called the current function
(whowasi's "grandparent" function).
Here are the methods for the DotFiles tied hash:
Here's the DotFiles constructor:
my $self = shift;
my $user = shift || $>;
my $dotdir = shift || "";
croak "usage: @{[ &whowasi ]} [USER [DOTDIR]]" if @_;
$user = getpwuid($user) if $user =~ /^\d+$/;
my $dir = (getpwnam($user))[7]
or croak "@{ [&whowasi] }: no user $user";
$dir .= "/$dotdir" if $dotdir;
my $node = {
USER => $user,
HOME => $dir,
opendir DIR, $dir
or croak "@{[&whowasi]}: can't opendir $dir: $!";
for my $dot ( grep /^\./ && -f "$dir/$_", readdir(DIR)) {
$dot =~ s/^\.//;
$node->{CONTENTS}{$dot} = undef;
closedir DIR;
return bless $node, $self;
It's probably worth mentioning that if you're going to apply file
tests to the values returned by the above readdir, you'd better
prepend the directory in question (as we do). Otherwise, since no
chdir was done, you'd likely be testing the wrong file.
This method implements reading an element from the tied hash. It takes one argument after the object: the key
whose value we're trying to fetch. The key is a string, and you can
do anything you like with it (consistent with its being a string).
Here's the fetch for our DotFiles example:
sub FETCH {
carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
my $self = shift;
my $dot = shift;
my $dir = $self->{HOME};
my $file = "$dir/.$dot";
unless (exists $self->{CONTENTS}->{$dot} || -f $file) {
carp "@{[&whowasi]}: no $dot file" if $DEBUG;
return undef;
# Implement a cache.
if (defined $self->{CONTENTS}->{$dot}) {
return $self->{CONTENTS}->{$dot};
} else {
return $self->{CONTENTS}->{$dot} = `cat $dir/.$dot`;
We cheated a little by running the Unix cat(1) command, but it would
be more portable (and more efficient) to open the file
ourselves. On the other hand, since dotfiles are a Unixy concept,
we're not that concerned. Or shouldn't be. Or something...
This method does the dirty work whenever an element in the tied hash is
set (written). It takes two arguments after the object: the
key under which we're storing the new value, and the value itself.
For our DotFiles example, we won't let users overwrite a file without
first invoking the clobber method on the original object returned by
sub STORE {
carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
my $self = shift;
my $dot = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $file = $self->{HOME} . "/.$dot";
croak "@{[&whowasi]}: $file not clobberable"
unless $self->{CLOBBER};
open(F, "> $file") or croak "can't open $file: $!";
print F $value;
If someone wants to clobber something, they can say:
$ob = tie %daemon_dots, "daemon";
$daemon_dots{signature} = "A true daemon\n";
But they could alternatively set {CLOBBER} with tied:
tie %daemon_dots, "DotFiles", "daemon";
or as one statement:
(tie %daemon_dots, "DotFiles", "daemon")->clobber(1);
The clobber method is simply:
sub clobber {
my $self = shift;
$self->{CLOBBER} = @_ ? shift : 1;
This method handles requests to remove an element from the hash. If
your emulated hash uses a real hash somewhere, you can just call
the real delete. Again, we'll be careful to check whether the
user really wants to clobber files:
sub DELETE {
carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
my $self = shift;
my $dot = shift;
my $file = $self->{HOME} . "/.$dot";
croak "@{[&whowasi]}: won't remove file $file"
unless $self->{CLOBBER};
delete $self->{CONTENTS}->{$dot};
unlink $file or carp "@{[&whowasi]}: can't unlink $file: $!";
This method is run when the whole hash needs to be cleared, usually
by assigning the empty list to it. In our example, that would remove all the user's dot files! It's such a
dangerous thing that we'll require CLOBBER to be set higher than 1
before this can happen:
sub CLEAR {
carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
my $self = shift;
croak "@{[&whowasi]}: won't remove all dotfiles for $self->{USER}"
unless $self->{CLOBBER} > 1;
for my $dot ( keys %{$self->{CONTENTS}}) {
This method runs when the user invokes the exists function on
a particular hash. In our example, we'll look at the {CONTENTS} hash
element to find the answer:
sub EXISTS {
carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
my $self = shift;
my $dot = shift;
return exists $self->{CONTENTS}->{$dot};
This method is called when the user begins to iterate through the
hash, such as with a keys, values, or each call. By calling
keys in a scalar context, we reset its internal state to ensure
that the next each used in the return statement will get the
first key.
carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
my $self = shift;
my $temp = keys %{$self->{CONTENTS}};
return scalar each %{$self->{CONTENTS}};
This method is the iterator for a keys, values, or each
function. PREVKEY is the last key accessed, which Perl knows
to supply. This is useful if the NEXTKEY method needs to know
its previous state to calculate the next state.
For our example, we are using a real hash to represent the tied hash's
data, except that this hash is stored in the hash's CONTENTS field
instead of in the hash itself. So we can just rely on Perl's each
carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
my $self = shift;
return scalar each %{ $self->{CONTENTS} }
This method is triggered when a tied hash's object is about to be
deallocated. You don't really need it except for debugging and extra
cleanup. Here's a very simple version:
carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
Now that we've given you all those methods, your homework is to go back
and find the places we interpolated @{[&whowasi]} and replace
them with a simple tied scalar named $whowasi that does the same thing.
| | |
14.2. Tying Arrays | | 14.4. Tying Filehandles |
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