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Learning Perl Objects, References & ModulesLearning Perl Objects, References & ModulesSearch this book

2.5. require and @INC

So far, the examples have glossed over the directory structure of where the main code and the included files (either with do or require) are located. That's because it "just works" for the simplest case, in which you have a program and its libraries in the same directory, and you run the program from that directory.

Things get a bit more complicated when the libraries aren't located in the current directory. In fact, Perl searches for libraries along a library search path (similar to what the shell does with the PATH environment variable). The current directory (represented in Unix by a single dot) is an element of the search path, so as long as your libraries are in your current working directory, everything is fine.

The search path is given in the special @INC array. By default, the array contains the current directory and a half-dozen directories built in to the perl binary during the compilation of perl itself. You can see what these directories are by typing perl -V at the command line and noting the last dozen lines of the output. Also at the command line, you can execute the following to get just the @INC directories:[10]

perl -le 'print for @INC'

[10]On a Windows machine, use double quotes instead of single quotes on the command line.

Except for . in that list, you probably won't be able to write to any of the other directories, unless you're the person responsible for maintaining Perl on your machine, in which case you should be able to write to all of them. The remaining directories are where Perl searches for system-wide libraries and modules, as you'll see later.

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