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22.3. Win32::ChangeNotify

This module provides access to Win32 change-notification objects, letting you monitor events relating to files and directory trees. The constructor for this class is new, which creates a ChangeNotify object for a specified path and indicates how it should be monitored:

$ntfy = Win32::ChangeNotify->new(path, subtree, events);
$ntfy->wait or warn "Something has failed: $!");

The function returns a reference to the object as $ntfy. path is the pathname of the directory to monitor. subtree is a Boolean value that, if true, forces the object to monitor all subdirectories of the object's path. The eventsparameter indicates the type of events that will trigger a notification. It can be one of the following string values:




Any attribute change


Any directory name change


Any filename change (creating/deleting/renaming)


Any change to a file's last write time


Any security descriptor change


Any change in a file's size

The following methods are used on notification objects created by new.

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