11.9. Constructing RecordsProblemYou want to create a record data type. SolutionUse a reference to an anonymous hash. Discussion
Suppose you wanted to create a data type that contained various data fields, akin to a C $record = { NAME => "Jason", EMPNO => 132, TITLE => "deputy peon", AGE => 23, SALARY => 37_000, PALS => [ "Norbert", "Rhys", "Phineas"], }; printf "I am %s, and my pals are %s.\n", $record->{NAME}, join(", ", @{$record->{PALS}});
Just having one of these records isn't much fun - you'd like to build larger structures. For example, you might want to create a # store record $byname{ $record->{NAME} } = $record; # later on, look up by name if ($rp = $byname{"Aron"}) { # false if missing printf "Aron is employee %d.\n", $rp->{EMPNO}; } # give jason a new pal push @{$byname{"Jason"}->{PALS}}, "Theodore"; printf "Jason now has %d pals\n", scalar @{$byname{"Jason"}->{PALS}};
That makes
We can use our existing hash tools to manipulate # Go through all records while (($name, $record) = each %byname) { printf "%s is employee number %d\n", $name, $record->{EMPNO}; }
What about looking employees up by employee number? Just build and use another data structure, an array of hashes called # store record $employees[ $record->{EMPNO} ] = $record; # lookup by id if ($rp = $employee[132]) { printf "employee number 132 is %s\n", $rp->{NAME}; } With a data structure like this, updating a record in one place effectively updates it everywhere. For example, this gives Jason a 3.5% raise: $byname{"Jason"}->{SALARY} *= 1.035;
This change is reflected in all views of these records. Remember that both
How would you select all records matching a particular criterion? This is what @peons = grep { $_->{TITLE} =~ /peon/i } @employees; @tsevens = grep { $_->{AGE} == 27 } @employees;
Each element of Here's how to print all records sorted in a particular order, say by age: # Go through all records foreach $rp (sort { $a->{AGE} <=> $b->{AGE} } values %byname) { printf "%s is age %d.\n", $rp->{NAME}, $rp->{AGE}; # or with a hash slice on the reference printf "%s is employee number %d.\n", @$rp{'NAME','EMPNO'}; }
Rather than take time to sort them by age, you could just create another view of these records, # use @byage, an array of arrays of records push @{ $byage[ $record->{AGE} ] }, $record; Then you could find them all this way: for ($age = 0; $age <= $#byage; $age++) { next unless $byage[$age]; print "Age $age: "; foreach $rp (@{$byage[$age]}) { print $rp->{NAME}, " "; } print "\n"; }
A similar approach is to use for ($age = 0; $age <= $#byage; $age++) { next unless $byage[$age]; printf "Age %d: %s\n", $age, join(", ", map {$_->{NAME}} @{$byage[$age]}); } ![]() Copyright © 2001 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. |