use Term::Complete;
$input = Complete('prompt_string', \@completion_list);
$input = Complete('prompt_string', @completion_list);
routine sends the indicated prompt
string to the currently selected filehandle, reads the user's response,
and places the response in
. What the user types is read
one character at a time, and certain characters result in special
processing as follows:
The tab character causes
to match what the user has
typed so far against the list of strings in
. If
the user's partial input uniquely matches one of these strings, then the
rest of the matched string is output. However, input is still not finished
until the user presses the return key. If the user's partial input does not
uniquely match one string in
when the tab
character is pressed, then the partial input remains unchanged and the
bell character is output.
If the user types CTRL-D, the current matches between the user's partial
input string and the completion list are printed out. If the partial input
string is null, then the entire completion list is printed. In any case,
the prompt string is then reissued, along with the partial input.
You can substitute a different character for CTRL-D by defining
. For example:
$Term::Complete::complete = "\001"; # use ctrl-a instead of ctrl-d
Typing CTRL-U erases any partial input. You can substitute a different
character for CTRL-U by defining
The delete and backspace characters both erase one character from the
partial input string. You can redefine them by assigning a different
character value to
The user is not prevented from providing input that differs from all
strings in the completion list, or from adding to input that has been
completed from the list. The final input (determined when the user
presses the return key) is the string returned by
The TTY driver is put into raw mode using the system command
stty raw -echo
and restored using
stty -raw echo
is called multiple times, it offers
the user's immediately previous response as the default response to each prompt.