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Acknowledgments for the Win32 Edition

First, thanks to Robert Denn for his expert editorial guidance. Thanks also to the technical reviewers for the Win32 edition of this book for their comments and observations: Dick Hardt, Jon Udell, Jon Forrest, Mike McMillan, and Eric Pearce. They all provided valuable feedback, and even offered lots of suggestions that unfortunately didn't get applied to the final version due to scheduling constraints.

Thanks to the folks, both at ActiveState and the Perl Porters, who have made a Win32 version of Perl possible.

Thanks also to Randal Schwartz and Tom Christiansen for the version of Learning Perl upon which this book is based, and for their comments on this version.

Thanks to the folks at O'Reilly & Associates who either helped with the manuscript or offered suggestions, including Tim O'Reilly, Mike Sierra, who provided Tools support, Jane Ellin, the production editor, John Files, Peter Fell, Mary Anne Weeks Mayo, and Sheryl Avruch for quality control, Seth Maislin for the index, Nancy Priest for the interior design, Edie Freedman for the cover, Robert Romano and Chris Reilley for the figures, and Madeleine Newell for freelance support.

Thanks also to my extremely understanding employers at Axiom Technologies, who let me practically live in their offices during a hectic schedule, and who provided moral support and easy targets.

Finally, a huge thanks to my wife, Jodi, and my son, Isaac, for their love, understanding, and support.

Erik Olson