20.15. Program: hrefsub
hrefsub makes substitutions in HTML files, so that the changes only apply to the text in HREF fields of < % hrefsub shergold.html cards.html scooby.html The HTML::Filter manual page has a BUGS section that says:
This version of hrefsub will always lowercase the Example 20.12: hrefsub#!/usr/bin/perl -w # hrefsub - make substitutions in <A HREF="..."> fields of HTML files # from Gisle Aas <gisle@aas.no> sub usage { die "Usage: $0 <from> <to> <file>...\n" } my $from = shift or usage; my $to = shift or usage; usage unless @ARGV; # The HTML::Filter subclass to do the substitution. package MyFilter; require HTML::Filter; @ISA=qw(HTML::Filter); use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities); sub start { my($self, $tag, $attr, $attrseq, $orig) = @_; if ($tag eq 'a' && exists $attr->{href}) { if ($attr->{href} =~ s/\Q$from/$to/g) { # must reconstruct the start tag based on $tag and $attr. # wish we instead were told the extent of the 'href' value # in $orig. my $tmp = "<$tag"; for (@$attrseq) { my $encoded = encode_entities($attr->{$_}); $tmp .= qq( $_="$encoded "); } $tmp .= ">"; $self->output($tmp); return; } } $self->output($orig); } # Now use the class. package main; foreach (@ARGV) { MyFilter->new->parse_file($_); }