12.5 Putting It All Together: An Example
The following examples use DNS hostnames for clarity. However, in
general, it is more secure to use TCP Wrappers with explicit IP
Suppose that you want to allow all connections to your computer,
except those from the computers in the domain
pirate.net, with a simple
/etc/hosts.allow file. Specify:
# /etc/hosts.allow:
# Allow anybody to connect to our machine except people from pirate.net.
all : .pirate.net : deny
all : all : allow
Suppose that you want to modify your rules to allow the use of
finger from any of your internal machines, but
you want to have external finger requests met
with a canned message. You might try this configuration file:
# /etc/hosts.allow:
# Allow finger from internal machines; give banner to others.
# Otherwise, allow anybody to connect except people from pirate.net.
in.fingerd : LOCAL : allow
in.fingerd : all : twist /usr/local/bin/external_fingerd_message
all : .pirate.net : deny
all : all : allow
If you don't want to allow
pirate.net hosts to finger
at all, reverse the order of the second and third rule so that the
rules denying pirate.net hosts would match
If you discover repeated break-in attempts through
telnet and rlogin from all
over the world, but you have a particular user who needs to
telnet into your computer from the host
sleepy.com, you could accomplish this somewhat
more complex security requirement with the following configuration
# /etc/hosts.allow:
# Allow email from pirate.net, but nothing else.
# Allow telnet and rlogin from sleepy.com, but nowhere else.
telnetd,rlogind : sleepy.com : allow
telnetd,rlogind : all : deny
in.fingerd : LOCAL : allow
in.fingerd : all : twist /usr/local/bin/external_fingerd_message
all : .pirate.net : deny
all : all : allow
Better yet, teach that user to use ssh instead
of telnet or rlogin, and
disable the telnet and
rlogin daemons entirely in
# /etc/hosts.allow:
# Allow email from pirate.net, but nothing else.
# Allow ssh from sleepy.com, but nowhere else.
# telnetd and rlogind are disabled in /etc/inetd.conf, but we list them
# here anyway in case someone accidentally re-enables them. This may cause
# tcpdchk to produce a warning, though.
sshd : sleepy.com : allow
sshd : all : deny
in.fingerd : LOCAL : allow
in.fingerd : all : twist /usr/local/bin/external_fingerd_message
all : .pirate.net : deny
telnetd,rlogind : all : deny
all : all : allow
Here's an example that combines two possible options:
# /etc/hosts.deny:
# Don't allow logins from pirate.net and log attempts.
telnetd,rlogind,sshd : pirate.net : \
spawn=(/security/logit %d deny %c %p %a %h %u)&\
: linger 10 : banners /security/banners
In the file /security/banners/telnetd, you would
have the following text:
This machine is owned and operated by the Big Whammix Corporation for
the exclusive use of Big Whammix Corporation employees. Your attempt
to access this machine is not allowed.
Access to Big Whammix Corporation computers is logged and monitored.
If you use or attempt to use a Big Whammix computer system, you
consent to such monitoring and to adhere to Big Whammix Corporation
policies about appropriate use. If you do not agree, then do not
attempt use of these systems. Unauthorized use of Big Whammix
Corporation computers may be in violation of state or federal law,
and may be prosecuted.
If you have any questions about this message or policy, contact
<security@bwammix.com> or call during EST business hours:
The file should also be linked to
/security/banners/rlogind and
/security/banners/sshd. The banner will be
displayed if anyone from pirate.net tries to log
in over the Internet. The system will pause 10 seconds for the
message to be fully displayed before disconnecting.
In the /security/logit shell file, you could
have something similar to the script in Example 12-5.
This script puts an entry into the syslog about
the event, and attempts to raise a very visible alert window on the
screen of the security administrator's workstation.
Furthermore, it does a reverse finger on the
calling host, and for good measure does a
netstat and ps on the local
machine. This process is done in the event that some mischief is
already occurring that hasn't triggered an alarm.
Example 12-5. alert script
set -o nolog -u -h +a +o bgnice +e -m
# Capture some information about whatever site is twisting my doorknob.
# It is probably higher overhead than I need,
# but...
export PATH=/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/etc:/etc
mkdir /tmp/root; chown root /tmp/root; chmod 700 /tmp/root
# Create /tmp/root in case it doesn't exist (chown it in case it does).
print "Subject: Notice\nFrom: operator\n\n$@" | /usr/lib/sendmail security
typeset daemon="$1" status="$2" client="$3" pid=$4 addr=$5 host=$6 user=$7
# For most things, we simply want a notice.
# Unsuccessful attempts are warnings.
# Unsuccessful attempts on special accounts merit an alert.
typeset level=notice
[[ $status != allow ]] && level=warning
[[ $daemon = in.@(rshd|rlogind) && $user = @(root|security) ]] && level=alert
/usr/ucb/logger -t tcpd -p auth.$level "$*" &
umask 037
function mktemp {
typeset temp=/security/log.$$
typeset -Z3 suffix=0
while [[ -a $temp.$suffix ]]
let suffix+=1
chgrp security $logfile
function Indent {
sed -e 's/^//' >> $logfile
exec 3>&1 >>$logfile 2>&1
print "Remote host: $host Remote user: $user"
print ""
print "Local processes:"
ps axg | Indent
print ""
print "Local network connections:"
netstat -n -a -f inet | Indent
print ""
print "Finger of $host"
safe_finger -s @$host|Indent
print ""
[[ $user != unknown ]] && safe_finger -h -p -m $user@$host | Indent
exec >> /netc/log/$daemon.log 2>&1
print "-----------------------"
print "\npid=$pid client=$client addr=$addr user=$user"
print Details in $logfile
print ""
# Now bring up an alert box on the admin's workstation.
print "\ndaemon=$daemon client=$client addr=$addr user=$user"
print Details in $logfile
print ""
print -n "(press return to close window.)" >> /tmp/root/alert.$$
} > /tmp/root/alert.$$
integer lines=$(wc -l < /tmp/root/alert.$$ | tr -d ' ')
xterm -display security:0 -fg white -bg red -fn 9x15 -T "ALERT" -fn 9x15B\
-geom 60x$lines+20+20 -e sh -c "cat /tmp/root/alert.$$;read nothing"
/bin/rm /tmp/root/alert.$$
Note the -n option to the
netstat command in the script. This is specified
because DNS can be slow to resolve all the IP numbers to names. You
want the command to complete before the connection is dropped; it is
always possible to look up the hostnames later from the log file. In
addition, reverse DNS servers under the control of the attacker might
be gimmicked to give misleading information.