Use hesiod hes_getmailhost( ) |
tune with confENVDEF |
The MIT distribution of
hesiod supports the
hes_getmailhost(3) call for looking up a
user's post office. If your site is running
MIT's hesiod, you should define
this. If you are running DEC's
hesiod, you should not:
APPENDDEF(`confENVDEF', `-DHES_GETMAILHOST') HES_GETMAILHOST is, by default, not defined. If you need it, you must
define it in your Build m4
If you are running a precompiled sendmail
binary, you can use the -d0.1 debugging
command-line switch (-d0.1) to determine if
HES_GETMAILHOST support is included (if it appears in the list,
support is included).