7.3 Useful Linux Programs
This section presents several programs you may find helpful in
working with your Linux system. You'll learn several
commands that report system status and you'll learn
how to use pico, a simple text editor.
7.3.1 Viewing System Information
Linux provides a number of commands that
report system status. The most commonly used commands are shown in
Table 7-8. These commands can help you
troubleshoot system problems and identify resource bottlenecks.
Although each command can be used without options or arguments, each
supports options and arguments that let you customize operation and
output; consult the appropriate manpage for details.
Table 7-8. Useful system commands
Shows the amount of free disk space (in 1 KB blocks) on each mounted
Shows the amount of disk space (in 1 KB blocks) used by the working
directory and its subdirectories. With the -s option, displays just a
summary without listing all the subdirectories and files.
Shows memory usage statistics, including total free memory, memory
used, physical memory, swap memory, shared memory, and buffers used
by the kernel.
Shows the active processes (instances of running programs) associated
with this login session. Use the -a
option to list all processes.
Shows a continually updated display of active processes, and the
resources they are using. Type the q
key to exit.
Shows the current time, the amount of time logged in, the number of
users logged in, and system loadaverages.
Shows each login session.
Shows a summary of system usage, currently logged-in users, and
active processes.
Shows the names of users currently logged in, the terminal each is
using, the time each has been logged in, and the name of the host
from which each logged in (if any).
7.3.2 Using the pico Editor
If you're working under
X, you have access to a variety of GUI text editors. However, GUI
text editors cannot be used from a virtual console. The
pico editor is a simple text editor that you can
think of as the Linux equivalent of the Windows program named Edit,
because it can be used in graphical or text mode.
Unfortunately, the pico text editor is not a
part of the standard Red Hat Linux installation. The standard Red Hat
Linux installation does include the text editor
vi; however, vi is more
difficult to learn than pico. To install the
pico editor, install the
pine package that contains the editor
and the pine email client. To do so, mount
installation CD 3, open a terminal window, and issue the command:
$ redhat-install-packages /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/pine-*.rpm
![](FILES/tip_yellow.gif) |
If X is not running, this command to install the
pine package will fail. Instead, issue the
following commands to mount the CD and install the package:
$ mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom -o ro
$ rpm -Uvh /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/pine-*.rpm
To start pico,
simply type pico at the shell
prompt, or if you want to edit a particular file, type
pico followed by the name
of the file (or the file's path, if the file is not
in the working directory). For example, to edit the file
mydata, type:
[bill@home bill]$ pico mydata
Figure 7-5 shows
pico's standard
display. At
the top of the display is a status line, which shows the version of
the program and the name of the file being edited (or New Buffer, if
the file is new). If the file has been modified, the upper-right
corner of the display contains the word
Modified. The bottom two lines of the display
list the available editing commands. Most of the commands require you
to type a control character, so that commands can be distinguished
from characters you want to add to the buffer, as
pico's work area is termed.
Typing an ordinary character inserts it at the current cursor
position. You can use the cursor keys to move around the display; you
can use the Delete or Backspace key to erase unwanted characters.
Some commands use the third line from the bottom to report status and
obtain additional input.
Table 7-9 summarizes
pico's commands. Notice that
the command Ctrl-G accesses
pico's help system. You can
access several of the commands by using function keys; for example,
pressing F1 has the same result as
typing Ctrl-G.
Table 7-9. Summary of pico commands
Mark the cursor position as beginning of selected text.
Move to the beginning of the current line.
Move backward one character.
Ctrl-C (F11)
Report the current cursor position.
Delete the character at the cursor position.
Move to the end of the current line.
Move forward one character.
Ctrl-G (F1)
Display help.
Insert a tab at the current cursor position.
Ctrl-J (F4)
Format the current paragraph.
Ctrl-K (F9)
Cut selected text.
Refresh the display.
Move to the next line.
Ctrl-O (F3)
Save the current buffer to a file.
Move to the previous line.
Ctrl-R (F5)
Insert an external file at the current cursor position.
Ctrl-T (F12)
Invoke the spelling checker.
Ctrl-U (F10)
Paste text at the current cursor position.
Ctrl-V (F8)
Move forward one page of text.
Ctrl-W (F6)
Search for text, neglecting case.
Ctrl-X (F2)
Exit pico, saving the edit buffer.
Ctrl-Y (F7)
Move backward one page of text.
Here's a simple exercise that will give you a quick
tour of pico. Start pico by
issuing the command:
Then type the following short paragraph of text, including the
typographical errors:
Pico is is a greet editor. I use it for my light-duty tasks editing. However, when I
need to really get down to business, I prefer vi.
Notice that three errors appear:
The word is appears twice
Great is misspelled as greet
The words editing and tasks
appear in the wrong order.
To correct the first error, use the up and left arrow keys to
position the cursor on the letter i of the first
instance of the word is. Then, press Del three times to erase the word and the
following space.
Next, use the right arrow key to place the cursor on the second
(incorrect) letter e in the misspelled word
greet. Type an a and press
Del to correct the error by
replacing the e with an a.
Now, let's revise the phrase "for
my" to read "for all
my." Simply use the right arrow keys to move to the
letter m in the word my.
Type all and a space.
Finally, let's cut and paste to move the words
tasks and editing into
their proper sequence. Use the arrow keys to position the cursor on
the letter t in the word
tasks. Type Ctrl-^ to mark the beginning of a selection.
Use the right arrow key to select the remainder of the word and the
following text, positioning the cursor on the letter
e in the word editing. Cut
the selected word by typing Ctrl-K.
Now, use the right arrow key to move the cursor past the word
editing and type Ctrl-U to paste the text that was cut. The
paragraph is now error-free.
Save the paragraph to a file by typing Ctrl-X, responding y to
the question "Save modified
buffer?", typing the desired filename, and pressing
Enter. Use the less command to verify that the file was
created and has the proper contents.