Header lines (Section 25.1) from the configuration
file and from mail messages are processed by the
chompheader( ) routine before they are included
in any mail message. That routine parses each header line to save
critical information, to check for validity, and to replace default
values with new values.
The -d31.2 debugging switch shows
that sendmail is about to check whether it
should replace a From: or
Resent-From: header with the one defined by the
H configuration command. If the configuration file
is not being read and if sendmail is not
processing the queue, the following test is made:
comparing header from (header) against default (address or name)
The value of the From: or
Resent-From: header is
compared to the sender's
address and to the sender's
name. If it is the same as either one, the
address is replaced.