2.6 The PRAGMA KeywordThe PRAGMA keyword is used to signify that the remainder of the PL/SQL statement is a pragma, or directive, to the compiler. Pragmas are processed at compile time; they do not execute during runtime. A pragma is a special instruction to the compiler. Also called a pseudoinstruction, the pragma doesn't change the meaning of a program. It simply passes information to the compiler. It is very similar, in fact, to the tuning hints you can embed in a SQL statement inside a block comment. PL/SQL offers the following pragmas:
The syntax for using the PRAGMA keyword is as follows: PRAGMA <instruction>; where <instruction> is a statement providing instructions to the compiler. You would call EXCEPTION_INIT as follows: DECLARE no_such_sequence EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (no_such_sequence, -2289); BEGIN ... END; Copyright (c) 2000 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. |