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0.6. Acknowledgments

I would like to thank the many people who helped in the preparation of this book. All of the people who contributed to the first and second editions deserve thanks because so much of their input lives on in this edition. For the first edition that's John Wack, att Bishop, Wietse Venema, Eric Allman, Jeff Honig, Scott Brim, and John Dorgan. For the second edition that's Eric Allman again, Bryan Costales, Cricket Liu, Paul Albitz, Ted Lemon, Elizabeth Zwicky, Brent Chapman, Simson Garfinkel, Jeff Sedayao, and Æleen Frisch.

The third edition has also benefited from many contributors -- a surprising number of whom are authors in their own right. They set me straight about the technical details and improved my prose. Three authors are due special thanks. Cricket Liu, one of the authors of the best book ever written about DNS, provided many comments that improved the sections on Domain Name System. David Collier-Brown, one of the authors of Using Samba, did a complete technical review of the Samba material. Charles Aulds, author of a best-selling book on Apache administration, provided insights into Apache configuration. All of these people helped me make this book better than earlier editions. Thanks!

All the people at O'Reilly & Associates have been very helpful. Deb Cameron, my editor, deserves a special thanks. Deb kept everything moving forward while balancing the demands of a beautiful newborn daughter, Bethany Rose. Emily Quill was the production editor and project manager. Jeff Holcomb and Jane Ellin performed quality control checks. Leanne Soylemez provided production assistance. Tom Dinse wrote the index. Edie Freedman designed the cover, and Melanie Wang designed the interior format of the book. Neil Walls converted the book from Microsoft Word to Framemaker. Chris Reilley and Robert Romano's illustrations from the earlier editions have been updated by Robert Romano and Jessamyn Read.

Finally, I want to thank my family -- Kathy, Sara, David, and Rebecca. They keep my feet on the ground when the pressure to meet deadlines is driving me into orbit. They are the best.

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