| |  |
15.6. Troubleshooting
like any other SSH client, can run into unexpected difficulties
interacting with an SSH server. In this section we cover problems
specific to SecureCRT. For more general problems, see also Chapter 12, "Troubleshooting and FAQ".
15.6.1. Authentication
- When I use an RSA key, SecureCRT says "Internal error loading
private key."
SecureCRT accepts only DSA keys for SSH2 (in conformance with the
current draft SSH-2 standard). Some other SSH-2 implementations also
support RSA keys; these don't work with SecureCRT at present.
[Section 3.9.1, "Public-Key Algorithms"]
- I tried loading a key generated by another SSH-2 implementation, but
SecureCRT says "The private key is corrupt."
While SSH protocol draft standard specifies how keys are represented
within an SSH session, it doesn't cover formats for storing
those keys in files. As a result, implementors are free to make up
different, incompatible formats, making your life difficult. This is
true of both SSH1 and SSH2, although there is less difference among
SSH1 implementations than among SSH2. Since this may change, we will
just say: "contact the vendor."
- After typing my passphrase, I get a dialog box,
"SSH_SMSG_FAILURE: invalid SSH state," and the session
disconnects without logging me in.
No pseudo-tty is being allocated. Possibly your remote account has
the no-pty option set in its
authorized_keys file. [Section 8.2.9, "Disabling TTY Allocation"]
- SSH-2 authentication fails with the message "SecureCRT is
disconnecting from the SSH server for the following reason: reason
code 2."
At press time, some SSH-2 clients and servers from different vendors
don't work together due to different interpretations of the
SSH-2 draft standard. We hope such problems will have settled down by
the time you read this. In the meantime, make sure you select the
correct SSH Server in SecureCRT's Properties window, under
Connection. To determine the type of server to which you are
connecting, telnet to the server machine's
SSH port (usually 22) and read the version string that appears. Using
MS-DOS telnet, type:
telnet server.example.com 22
and a window opens with a response like:
SSH-1.99-2.0.13 F-SECURE SSH
indicating (in this case) F-Secure SSH Server Version 2.0.13.
15.6.2. Forwarding
- I can't do port forwarding. I get a message that the port is
already in use.
Do you have another SecureCRT window open and connected with the same
port forwarding setup? You can't have two connections
forwarding the same local port. As a workaround, create a second
session that duplicates the first, but with a different local port
number. Now you can use both sessions
 |  |  | 15.5. Forwarding |  | 15.7. Summary |