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5.5. Supporting Software

Supporting software is a grab-bag that includes all sorts of things that are used in conjunction with the software packages listed earlier. Some of these packages can be used to write standalone SNMP applications. The rest of this section outlines several supporting software packages. Most of these are freely available and can be used with little or no previous experience.

SNMP Support for Perlhttp://www.switch.ch/misc/leinen/snmp/perl/, http://www.cpan.org


Unix, Windows NT, Mac OS


Supplies easy-to-use subroutines that give access to the core SNMP functions. Widely tested, as it's the fundamental SNMP engine for the MRTG package.


Doesn't seem to have a lot of market exposure.

WILMA ftp://ftp.ldv.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de/dist/WILMA/INDEX.html


Most Unix platforms


Contains the core SNMP functions as well as a MIB compiler and browser.


Functions could be a bit more streamlined and user-friendly.

Net-SNMP C Libraryhttp://net-snmp.sourceforge.net


Unix, Windows 9x/NT


This library can be used to develop your own SNMP applications. The library is very easy to use, once you figure it out. The nice thing about the package is that it comes with the source code to commands such as snmpget, snmpset, and snmpwalk, which can be used to see how these sorts of operations are accomplished.


The documentation on how to use the library is poor to the point of nonexistence.

Net-SNMP Perl Modulehttp://www.cpan.org/authors/id/GSM/


Unix, Windows 9x/NT


This library provides identical functionality to the Net-SNMP C library, except in Perl.


During installation, this module needs to have access to the Net-SNMP C library in order to work properly.

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