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17.2. mSQL Utilities


msql2d [options]

The mSQL server daemon. All other programs interact with the database through this server, so it should be left running at all times (except when down for maintenance).


-f file

Use an alternate configuration file.


msqlexport [options]database table

Outputs the contents of the given table in ASCII delimited format.


-e character

Use character to escape any of the delimiter characters found in the data.

-h hostname

Connect to a database server on a remote host.

-q character

The character used to surround each data value.

-s character

The character used to delimit the data.


Display status information while dumping the data.


msqlimport [options] database table

Reads an ASCII delimited file and inserts the data into the given table.


-e character

The character used to as an escape character in the data.

-h hostname

Connect to a database server on a remote host.

-q character

The character used to surround each data value.

-s character

The character used to delimit the data.


Display status information while dumping the data.

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