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5.8. Anonymous Access

It often happens that even though you have passwords controlling the access to certain things on your site, you also want to allow guests to come and sample the site's joys -- probably a reduced set of joys, mediated by the username passed on by the client's browser. The Apache module mod_auth_anon.c allows you to do just this. It should be compiled in automatically -- check by looking at Configuration. If it wasn't compiled in, you may get this unnerving error message:

Invalid command Anonymous

when you try to exercise the Anonymous directive. The Config file, in ... /site.anon/conf/httpd.conf, is as follows:

User webuser
Group webgroup
ServerName www.butterthlies.com


<VirtualHost www.butterthlies.com>
#CookieLog logs/cookies
ServerAdmin sales@butterthlies.com
DocumentRoot /usr/www/site.anon/htdocs/customers
ServerName www.butterthlies.com
ErrorLog /usr/www/site.anon/logs/customers/error_log
TransferLog /usr/www/site.anon/logs/access_log
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /usr/www/cgi-bin

<VirtualHost sales.butterthlies.com>
CookieLog logs/cookies
ServerAdmin sales_mgr@butterthlies.com
DocumentRoot /usr/www/site.anon/htdocs/salesmen
ServerName sales.butterthlies.com
ErrorLog /usr/www/site.anon/logs/error_log
TransferLog /usr/www/site.anon/logs/salesmen/access_log
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /usr/www/cgi-bin

<Directory /usr/www/site.anon/htdocs/salesmen>
AuthType Basic
AuthName darkness
AuthUserFile /usr/www/ok_users/sales
AuthGroupFile /usr/www/ok_users/groups
require valid-user

Anonymous_Authoritative off
Anonymous guest anonymous air-head

<Directory /usr/www/cgi-bin>
AuthType Basic
AuthName darkness
AuthUserFile /usr/www/ok_users/sales
AuthGroupFile /usr/www/ok_users/groups
#AuthDBMUserFile /usr/www/ok_dbm/sales
#AuthDBMGroupFile /usr/www/ok_dbm/groups
require valid-user

Run go and try accessing http://sales.butterthlies.com/. You should be asked for a password in the usual way. The difference is that now you can also get in by being guest, air-head , or anonymous. The Anonymous directives follow.

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