Chapter 10 The java.lang Package |
- Class Name:
- Superclass:
- Immediate Subclasses:
- Interfaces Implemented:
- Availability:
JDK 1.0 or later
The Runtime class provides access to various
information about the environment in which a program is running.
The Java run-time environment creates a single instance of this class
that is associated with a program. The Runtime
class does not have any public constructors, so a program cannot
create its own instances of the class. A program must call the getRuntime()
method to get a reference to the current Runtime object.
Information about operating system features is accessible
through the System class.
public class java.lang.Runtime extends java.lang.Object {
// Class Methods
public static Runtime getRuntime();
public static void runFinalizersOnExit(boolean value); // New in 1.1
// Instance Methods
public Process exec(String command);
public Process exec(String command, String envp[]);
public Process exec(String cmdarray[]);
public Process exec(String cmdarray[], String envp[]);
public void exit(int status);
public native long freeMemory();
public native void gc();
public InputStream
getLocalizedInputStream(InputStream in); // Deprecated in 1.1
public OutputStream
getLocalizedOutputStream(OutputStream out); // Deprecated in 1.1
public synchronized void load(String filename);
public synchronized void loadLibrary(String libname);
public native void runFinalization();
public native long totalMemory();
public native void traceInstructions(boolean on);
public native void traceMethodCalls(boolean on);
- Returns
A reference to the current Runtime object.
- Description
This method returns a reference to the current Runtime
object. Because the other methods of the Runtime
class are not static, a program must call this
method first in order to get a reference to a Runtime
object that can be used in calling the other methods.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- value
A boolean value that specifies whether or not
finalization occurs on exit.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkExit() method of
the SecurityManager throws a SecurityException.
- Description
This method specifies whether or not the finalize()
methods of all objects that have finalize() methods
are run before the Java virtual machine exits. By default, the
finalizers are not run on exit.
- Parameters
- command
A string that contains the name of an external command
and any arguments to be passed to it.
- Returns
A Process object that controls the process
started by this method.
- Throws
- IOException
If there is a problem finding or accessing the specified
external command.
- SecurityException
If the checkExec() method of
the SecurityManager throws a SecurityException.
- Description
This method starts a new process to execute the given external
command. The standard input, standard output, and standard error
streams from the process are redirected to
OutputStream and
InputStream objects that are accessible
through the Process object returned by this method.
Calling this method is equivalent to:
- Parameters
- command
A string that contains the name of an external command
and any arguments to be passed to it.
- envp
An array of strings that specifies the values for
the environment variables of the new process.
Each String in the array
should be of the form variableName =value.
If envp is null, the values
of the environment variables in the current process are copied to
the new process.
- Returns
A Process object that controls the process
started by this method.
- Throws
- IOException
If there is a problem finding or accessing the specified
external command.
- SecurityException
If the checkExec() method of
the SecurityManager throws a SecurityException.
- Description
This method starts a new process to execute the given external
command. The standard input, standard output, and standard error
streams from the process are redirected to
and InputStream objects that are accessible
through the Process object returned by this method.
The method parses the command string into
words that are separated by whitespace. It creates a String
object for each word and places word String objects
into an array. If that array is called commandArray,
calling this method is equivalent to:
exec(commmandArray, envp)
- Parameters
- commandArray
An array of strings that contains separate strings
for the name of an external command and any arguments to be passed
to it. The first string in the array must be the command name.
- Returns
A Process object that controls the process
started by this method.
- Throws
- IOException
If there is a problem finding or accessing the specified
external command.
- SecurityException
If the checkExec() method of
the SecurityManager throws a SecurityException.
- Description
This method starts a new process to execute the given external
command. The standard input, standard output, and standard error
streams from the process are redirected to OutputStream
and InputStream objects that are accessible
through the Process object returned by this method.
Calling this method is equivalent to:
- Parameters
- commandArray
An array of strings that contains separate strings
for the name of an external command and any arguments to be passed
to it. The first string in the array must be the command name.
- envp
An array of strings that specifies the values for
the environment variables of the new process.
Each String in the array
should be of the form variableName =value.
If envp is null, the values
of the environment variables in the current process are copied to
the new process.
- Returns
A Process object that controls the process
started by this method.
- Throws
- IOException
If there is a problem finding or accessing the specified
external command.
- SecurityException
If the checkExec() method of
the SecurityManager throws a SecurityException.
- Description
This method starts a new process to execute the given external
command. The standard input, standard output, and standard error
streams from the process are redirected to OutputStream
and InputStream objects that are accessible
through the Process object returned by this method.
- Parameters
- status
The exit status code to use.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkExit() method of
the SecurityManager throws a SecurityException.
- Description
This method causes the Java virtual machine
to exit with the given status code. By convention,
a nonzero status code indicates abnormal termination. This method
never returns.
- Returns
An estimate of the number of free bytes in system memory.
- Description
This method returns an estimate of the number of free bytes
in system memory. The value returned by this method is always less
than the value returned by totalMemory(). Additional
memory may be freed by calling the gc() method.
- Description
This method causes the Java virtual machine to run the garbage
collector in the current thread.
The garbage collector finds objects that will never be used
again because there are no live references to them. After it finds
these objects, the garbage collector frees the storage occupied
by these objects.
The garbage collector is normally run continuously in a thread
with the lowest possible priority, so that it works intermittently
to reclaim storage. The gc() method allows a
program to invoke the garbage collector explicitly when necessary.
- Availability
Deprecated as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- in
An InputStream object that is
to be localized.
- Returns
The localized InputStream.
- Description
This method returns an InputStream object
that converts characters from the local character set to Unicode.
For example, if the InputStream uses an 8-bit
character set with values less than 128 representing Cyrillic letters,
this method maps those characters to the corresponding Unicode characters
in the range '\u0400' to '\u04FF'.
This method is deprecated as of JDK 1.1. You should instead use the
new InputStreamReader and
BufferedReader classes to convert characters from
the local character set to Unicode.
- Availability
Deprecated as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- out
An OutputStream object that is
to be localized.
- Returns
The localized OutputStream.
- Description
This method returns an OutputStream object
that converts characters from Unicode to the local character set.
For example, if the local character set is an 8-bit character set
with values less than 128 representing Cyrillic letters, this method
maps Unicode characters in the range '\u0400'
to '\u04FF' to the appropriate characters in
the local character set.
This method is deprecated as of JDK 1.1. You should instead use the
new OutputStreamWriter and
BufferedWriter classes to convert characters from
Unicode to the local character set.
- Parameters
- filename
A string that specifies the complete path of the
file to be loaded.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkLink() method of
the SecurityManager throws a SecurityException.
- UnsatisfiedLinkError
If the method is unsuccessful in loading the specified
dynamically linked library.
- Description
This method loads the specified dynamically linked library.
It is often more convenient to call the load()
method of the System class because it does not
require getting a Runtime object.
- Parameters
- libname
A string that specifies the name of a dynamically linked
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkLink() method of
the SecurityManager throws a SecurityException.
- UnsatisfiedLinkError
If the method is unsuccessful in loading the specified
dynamically linked library.
- Description
This method loads the specified dynamically linked library.
It looks for the specified library in a platform-specific way.
It is often more convenient to call the loadLibrary()
method of the System class because it does not
require getting a Runtime object.
- Description
This method causes the Java virtual machine to run the finalize()
methods of any objects in the finalization queue in the current
When the garbage collector discovers that there are no references
to an object, it checks to see if the object has a finalize()
method that has never been called. If the object has such a finalize()
method, the object is placed in the finalization queue. While there
is a reference to the object in the finalization queue, the object
is no longer considered garbage-collectable.
Normally, the objects in the finalization queue are handled
by a separate finalization thread that runs continuously at a very
low priority. The finalization thread removes an object from the
queue and calls its finalize() method. As long
as the finalize() method does not generate a
reference to the object, the object again becomes available for
garbage collection.
Because the finalization thread runs at a very low priority,
there may be a long delay from the time that an object is put on
the finalization queue until the time that its finalize()
method is called. The runFinalization() method
allows a program to run the finalize() methods
explicitly. This can be useful when there is a shortage of some
resource that is released by a finalize() method.
- Returns
The total number of bytes in system memory.
- Description
This method returns the total number of bytes in system memory
in the Java virtual machine. The total includes the number of bytes
of memory being used by allocated objects, as well as the number
of free bytes available for allocating additional objects. An estimate
of the number of free bytes in system memory is available through
the freeMemory() method.
- Parameters
- on
A boolean value that specifies
if instructions are to be traced. true if instructions
are to be traced; otherwise false.
- Description
This method controls whether or not the Java virtual machine
outputs a detailed trace of each instruction that is executed. The
boolean parameter causes tracing to be turned
on or off. The tracing of instructions is only possible in a Java
virtual machine that was compiled with the tracing option enabled.
Production releases of the Java virtual machine are generally not
compiled with tracing enabled.
- Parameters
- on
A boolean value that specifies
if method calls are to be traced. true if instructions
are to be traced; otherwise false.
- Description
This method controls whether or not the Java virtual machine
outputs a detailed trace of each method that is invoked. The boolean
parameter causes tracing to be turned on or off. The tracing of
instructions is only possible in a Java virtual machine that was
compiled with the tracing option enabled. Production releases of
the Java virtual machine are generally not compiled with tracing