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Java in a Nutshell

Previous Chapter 18
The java.awt Package

18.38 java.awt.List (JDK 1.0)

This class is a Component that graphically displays a list of strings. The list is scrollable if necessary. The constructor takes optional arguments that specify the number of visible rows in the list and whether selection of more than one item is allowed. The various instance methods allow strings to be added and removed from the List, and allow the selected item or items to be queried.

public class List extends Component implements ItemSelectable {
    // Public Constructors
            public List();
        1.1  public List(int rows);
            public List(int rows, boolean multipleMode);
    // Public Instance Methods
        1.1  public void add(String item);
        1.1  public synchronized void add(String item, int index);
        1.1  public synchronized void addActionListener(ActionListener l);
            public void addItem(String item);
            public synchronized void addItem(String item, int index);
        1.1  public synchronized void addItemListener(ItemListener l);  // From ItemSelectable
            public void addNotify();  // Overrides Component
        #   public boolean allowsMultipleSelections();
        #   public synchronized void clear();
        #   public int countItems();
            public synchronized void delItem(int position);
        #   public synchronized void delItems(int start, int end);
            public synchronized void deselect(int index);
            public String getItem(int index);
        1.1  public int getItemCount();
        1.1  public synchronized String[] getItems();
        1.1  public Dimension getMinimumSize(int rows);
        1.1  public Dimension getMinimumSize();  // Overrides Component
        1.1  public Dimension getPreferredSize(int rows);
        1.1  public Dimension getPreferredSize();  // Overrides Component
            public int getRows();
            public synchronized int getSelectedIndex();
            public synchronized int[] getSelectedIndexes();
            public synchronized String getSelectedItem();
            public synchronized String[] getSelectedItems();
        1.1  public Object[] getSelectedObjects();  // From ItemSelectable
            public int getVisibleIndex();
        1.1  public boolean isIndexSelected(int index);
        1.1  public boolean isMultipleMode();
        #   public boolean isSelected(int index);
            public synchronized void makeVisible(int index);
        #   public Dimension minimumSize(int rows);
        #   public Dimension minimumSize();  // Overrides Component
        #   public Dimension preferredSize(int rows);
        #   public Dimension preferredSize();  // Overrides Component
        1.1  public synchronized void remove(String item);
        1.1  public synchronized void remove(int position);
        1.1  public synchronized void removeActionListener(ActionListener l);
        1.1  public synchronized void removeAll();
        1.1  public synchronized void removeItemListener(ItemListener l);  // From ItemSelectable
            public void removeNotify();  // Overrides Component
            public synchronized void replaceItem(String newValue, int index);
            public synchronized void select(int index);
        1.1  public synchronized void setMultipleMode(boolean b);
        #   public synchronized void setMultipleSelections(boolean b);
    // Protected Instance Methods
            protected String paramString();  // Overrides Component
        1.1  protected void processActionEvent(ActionEvent e);
        1.1  protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e);  // Overrides Component
        1.1  protected void processItemEvent(ItemEvent e);


Object->Component(ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable)->List(ItemSelectable)

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