Chapter 18 The java.util.zip Package |
- Class Name:
- Superclass:
- Immediate Subclasses:
- Interfaces Implemented:
- Availability:
New as of JDK 1.1
The ZipOutputStream class writes compressed files
in the ZIP format. To write a ZIP file, construct a
ZipOutputStream that wraps a regular output
stream. You have to create a ZipEntry for each
entry in the file. The putNextEntry() method puts
the entry in the file, so that you can then use the
write() method to write data for that entry. When
you finish writing the data for an entry, call
closeEntry() to close that entry and
putNextEntry() to start another entry.
The setMethod() method specifies whether the data
is compressed or uncompressed by default;
setLevel() specifies the level of compression that
is used by default. These values can be overridden by the method and
level set for a particular entry. If you are storing compressed
(deflated) files, you need only specify a name for each
ZipEntry ; the other fields are filled in
automatically. If, however, you are placing uncompressed entries, you
need to specify the size of each entry and provide a CRC-32 checksum
public class java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream
extends java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream {
// Constants
public static final int DEFLATED;
public static final int STORED;
// Constructors
public ZipOutputStream(OutputStream out);
// Instance Methods
public void close();
public void closeEntry();
public void finish();
public void putNextEntry(ZipEntry e);
public void setComment(String comment);
public void setLevel(int level);
public void setMethod(int method);
public synchronized void write(byte[] b, int off, int len);
- Description
A constant that represents an entry is stored using the deflate algorithm.
- Description
A constant that represents a ZIP file entry is stored verbatim; in other words, with no compression applied.
- Parameters
- out
The underlying output stream.
- Description
This constructor creates a ZipOutputStream
that writes compressed data to the given OutputStream.
- Throws
- ZipException
If a ZIP file format error occurs.
- IOException
If any other kind of I/O error occurs.
- Overrides
- Description
This method closes the stream and releases any system resources that are
associated with it.
- Throws
- ZipException
If a ZIP file format error occurs.
- IOException
If any other kind of I/O error occurs.
- Description
This method closes the currently open entry in the ZIP file. A subsequent
entry can be started with putNextEntry().
- Throws
- ZipException
If a ZIP file format error occurs.
- IOException
If any other kind of I/O error occurs.
- Overrides
- Description
This method finishes writing compressed data to the underlying stream without
closing it.
- Parameters
- e
The new entry.
- Throws
- ZipException
If a ZIP file format error occurs.
- IOException
If any other kind of I/O error occurs.
- Description
This method writes the information in the given ZipEntry
to the stream and positions the stream for the entry data. The actual entry
data can then be written to the stream using write().
The default compression method and level are used if one is not specified
for the entry. When all of the entry data has been written, use closeEntry()
to finish the entry.
If this method is called when there is already an open entry, that entry
is closed and this entry is opened.
- Parameters
- comment
The new comment string.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If comment is longer than 0xFFFF
- Description
This method sets the comment string for this ZIP file.
- Parameters
- level
A compression level,
from 0 (NO_COMPRESSION) to
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If level is not valid.
- Description
This method sets the default compression level of subsequent DEFLATED
entries. The default value is Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION.
- Parameters
- method
A compression method,
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If method is not valid.
- Description
This method sets the default compression method of this ZipOutputStream
for entries that do not specify a method.
- Parameters
- b
An array of bytes to write to the stream.
- off
An offset into the byte array.
- len
The number of bytes to write.
- Throws
- ZipException
If a ZIP file format error occurs.
- IOException
If any other kind of I/O error occurs.
- Overrides
DeflaterOutputStream.write(byte[], int, int)
- Description
This method takes len bytes from
the given buffer, starting at off, and compresses
them. The method then writes the compressed data to the underlying
OutputStream for the current entry. The method
blocks until all the bytes have been written.