Chapter 17 The java.util Package |
- Class Name:
- Superclass:
- Immediate Subclasses:
- Interfaces Implemented:
- Availability:
New as of JDK 1.1
The SimpleTimeZone class is
a concrete subclass of the abstract
TimeZone class.
SimpleTimeZone represents
a time zone offset for use with GregorianCalendar.
SimpleTimeZone does
not take into account the historical vicissitudes of daylight savings time,
however. Instead, it assumes that the shifts to and from daylight savings
time always occur at the same time of the year.
Normally, SimpleTimeZone
objects are not created directly, but instead obtained
by calling TimeZone.getDefault().
This method creates a subclass of TimeZone
that is appropriate for the current locale. You can also call TimeZone.getTimeZone()
to obtain a TimeZone object
for a specific time zone.
public class java.util.SimpleTimeZone extends java.util.TimeZone {
// Constructors
public SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset, String ID);
public SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset, String ID, int startMonth,
int startDayOfWeekInMonth, int startDayOfWeek,
int startTime, int endMonth, int endDayOfWeekInMonth,
int endDayOfWeek, int endTime);
// Instance Methods
public Object clone();
public boolean equals(Object obj);
public int getOffset(int era, int year, int month, int day,
int dayOfWeek, int millis);
public int getRawOffset();
public synchronized int hashCode();
public boolean inDaylightTime(Date date);
public void setEndRule(int month, int dayOfWeekInMonth,
int dayOfWeek, int time);
public void setRawOffset(int offsetMillis);
public void setStartRule(int month, int dayOfWeekInMonth,
int dayOfWeek, int time);
public void setStartYear(int year);
public boolean useDaylightTime();
- Parameters
- rawOffset
The raw offset of this time zone from GMT, in milliseconds.
- ID
The ID of this time zone.
- Description
This constructor creates a SimpleTimeZone
that uses the given offset from GMT and has the specified ID. This constructor
creates a SimpleTimeZone that
does not use daylight savings time.
- Parameters
- rawOffset
The raw offset of this time zone from GMT, in milliseconds.
- ID
The ID of this time
- startMonth
The month when
daylight savings time begins.
- startDayOfWeekInMonth
The week in the month when daylight savings time begins.
- startDayOfWeek
The day
of the week when daylight savings time begins.
- startTime
The time of day
when daylight savings time begins, in milliseconds.
- endMonth
The month when
daylight savings time ends.
- endDayOfWeekInMonth
The week in the month when daylight savings time ends.
- endDayOfWeek
The day of
the week when daylight savings time ends.
- endTime
The time of day
when daylight savings time ends, in milliseconds.
- Description
This constructor creates a SimpleTimeZone
that uses the given offset from GMT, has the specified ID, and uses daylight
savings time. Daylight savings time begins and ends at the specified dates
and times.
For example, Brazil Eastern Time (BET) is three hours behind GMT. Daylight
savings time for BET starts on the first Sunday in April at 2:00 AM, and
ends on the last Sunday in October, also at 2:00 A.M. To construct a TimeZone
that represents BET, you would use the following:
new SimpleTimeZone(-3 * 60 * 60 * 1000, "BET",
Calendar.APRIL, 1,
Calendar.SUNDAY, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
Calendar.OCTOBER, -1,
Calendar.SUNDAY, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
- Returns
A copy of this SimpleTimeZone.
- Overrides
- Description
This method creates a copy of this SimpleTimeZone
and returns it.
- Parameters
- obj
The object to be compared
with this object.
- Returns
true if the objects are equal;
false if they are not.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns true if
obj is an instance of SimpleTimeZone,
and it contains the same value as the object this method is associated
- Parameters
- era
The era.
- year
The year.
- month
The month.
- day
The day.
- dayOfWeek
The day of the
- millis
The time of day
in milliseconds.
- Returns
An offset from GMT, in milliseconds.
- Overrides
- Description
This method calculates an offset from GMT for the given date for this SimpleTimeZone.
In other words, the offset takes daylight savings time into account. The
return value should be added to GMT to get local time.
- Returns
An offset from GMT, in milliseconds.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns the raw offset from GMT for this SimpleTimeZone.
In other words, the offset does not take daylight savings time into account.
- Returns
A hashcode for this SimpleTimeZone.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns a hashcode for this object.
- Parameters
- date
The date to be tested.
- Returns
true if the given date is between
the start and end of daylight savings time for this SimpleTimeZone;
false otherwise.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns a boolean
value that indicates if the given date is in daylight savings time for
this SimpleTimeZone.
- Parameters
- month
The month when daylight savings time ends.
- DayOfWeekInMonth
The week of the month when daylight savings time ends.
- dayOfWeek
The day of the week when daylight savings time ends.
- time
The time of day when daylight savings time ends, in milliseconds.
- Description
This method sets the time when daylight savings time ends for this SimpleTimeZone.
For example, to set the end of daylight savings time to 2 A.M. on
the last Sunday
in October, you would use the following:
setEndRule(Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY,
2 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
- Parameters
- offsetMillis
The new raw
offset from GMT, in milliseconds.
- Overrides
- Description
This method is used to set the raw offset value for this SimpleTimeZone.
- Parameters
- month
The month when daylight
savings time begins.
- DayOfWeekInMonth
The week of the month when daylight savings time begins.
- dayOfWeek
The day of the week when daylight savings time begins.
- time
The time of day when daylight savings time begins, in milliseconds.
- Description
This method sets the time when daylight savings time begins for this SimpleTimeZone.
For example, to set the beginning of daylight savings time to 2 A.M. on
the first
Sunday in April, you would use the following:
setEndRule(Calendar.APRIL, 1, Calendar.SUNDAY,
2 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
- Parameters
- year
The year when daylight
savings time begins.
- Description
This method sets the year after which the start and end rules for daylight
savings time are observed.
- Returns
true if this SimpleTimeZone
uses daylight savings time; false
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns a boolean
value that indicates whether or not this SimpleTimeZone
uses daylight savings time.