Chapter 17 The java.util Package |
- Class Name:
- Superclass:
- Immediate Subclasses:
- Interfaces Implemented:
- Availability:
New as of JDK 1.1
The Calendar class is an abstractclass that is used to convert between
Date objects, which represent points in time, and
calendar fields, like months or days of the week. The JDK 1.0
Date class included calendar and text-formatting methods. As of JDK 1.1, both of these functions have been
split off from Date in order to support
internationalization. As of JDK 1.1, Date
represents only a point in time, measured in milliseconds. A subclass
of Calendar examines the
Date in the context of a particular calendar
system; a Calendar instance is a locale-sensitive object. Also as of
JDK 1.1, the java.text.DateFormat class generates and parses strings representing points in time.
Calendar defines a number of symbolic constants. They
represent either fields or values. For example,
MONTH is a field constant. It can be passed to
get() and set() to retrieve and
adjust the month. AUGUST, on the other hand,
represents a particular month value. Calling
get(Calendar.MONTH) could return
Internally, Calendar keeps
track of a point in time in two ways. First, a "raw" value
is maintained, which is simply a count of milliseconds since midnight,
January 1, 1970 GMT, or, in other words, a Date object.
Second, the calendar keeps track of a number of fields, which are the values
that are specific to the Calendar
type. These are values such as day of the week, day of the month, and month.
The raw millisecond value can be calculated from the field values, or vice
When a Date object is computed
from the time fields, there may be insufficient information to compute
the raw millisecond value. For example, the year and the month could be
set, but not the day of the month. In this case, Calendar
uses default information to fill in the missing fields. For GregorianCalendar,
the default field values are taken from the date of the epoch, or midnight,
January 1, 1970 GMT.
Another problem that can arise when computing a Date
object from the time fields is that of inconsistent information in the
fields. For example, the time fields could specify "Sunday, March
8, 1997" when in fact March 8, 1997 is a Saturday. If the time fields
contain inconsistent information, Calendar
gives preference to the combinations of fields in the following order:
- month and day of the week
- month, week of the month, and day of the week
- month, day of the week in the month, and day of the week
- day of the year
- day of the week and week of the year
- hour of the day
- A.M./P.M. and hour of A.M./P.M.
There is also the possibility of ambiguity for certain points in time,
so the following rules apply. The time 24:00:00 belongs to the next day
and midnight is an A.M. time, while noon is a P.M. time.
public abstract class java.util.Calendar extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable, java.io.Serializable {
// Constants
public final static int AM;
public final static int AM_PM;
public final static int APRIL;
public final static int AUGUST;
public final static int DATE;
public final static int DAY_OF_MONTH;
public final static int DAY_OF_WEEK;
public final static int DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH;
public final static int DAY_OF_YEAR;
public final static int DECEMBER;
public final static int DST_OFFSET;
public final static int ERA;
public final static int FEBRUARY;
public final static int FIELD_COUNT;
public final static int FRIDAY;
public final static int HOUR;
public final static int HOUR_OF_DAY;
public final static int JANUARY;
public final static int JULY;
public final static int JUNE;
public final static int MARCH;
public final static int MAY;
public final static int MILLISECOND;
public final static int MINUTE;
public final static int MONDAY;
public final static int MONTH;
public final static int NOVEMBER;
public final static int OCTOBER;
public final static int PM;
public final static int SATURDAY;
public final static int SECOND;
public final static int SEPTEMBER;
public final static int SUNDAY;
public final static int THURSDAY;
public final static int TUESDAY;
public final static int UNDECIMBER;
public final static int WEDNESDAY;
public final static int WEEK_OF_MONTH;
public final static int WEEK_OF_YEAR;
public final static int YEAR;
public final static int ZONE_OFFSET;
// Variables
protected boolean areFieldsSet;
protected int[] fields;
protected boolean[] isSet;
protected boolean isTimeSet;
protected long time;
// Constructors
protected Calendar();
protected Calendar(TimeZone zone, Locale aLocale);
// Class Methods
public static synchronized Locale[] getAvailableLocales();
public static synchronized Calendar getInstance();
public static synchronized Calendar getInstance(TimeZone zone);
public static synchronized Calendar getInstance(Locale aLocale);
public static synchronized Calendar getInstance(TimeZone zone,
Locale aLocale);
// Instance Methods
public abstract void add(int field, int amount);
public abstract boolean after(Object when);
public abstract boolean before(Object when);
public final void clear();
public final void clear(int field);
public Object clone();
public abstract boolean equals(Object when);
public final int get(int field);
public int getFirstDayOfWeek();
public abstract int getGreatestMinimum(int field);
public abstract int getLeastMaximum(int field);
public abstract int getMaximum(int field);
public int getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek();
public abstract int getMinimum(int field);
public final Date getTime();
public TimeZone getTimeZone();
public boolean isLenient();
public final boolean isSet(int field);
public abstract void roll(int field, boolean up);
public final void set(int field, int value);
public final void set(int year, int month, int date);
public final void set(int year, int month, int date,
int hour, int minute);
public final void set(int year, int month, int date, int hour,
int minute, int second);
public void setFirstDayOfWeek(int value);
public void setLenient(boolean lenient);
public void setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int value);
public final void setTime(Date date);
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone value);
// Protected Instance Methods
protected void complete();
protected abstract void computeFields();
protected abstract void computeTime();
protected long getTimeInMillis();
protected final int internalGet(int field);
protected void setTimeInMillis(long millis);
- Description
A constant value that represents morning times.
- Description
A field constant that represents the A.M./P.M.
flag of this object.
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A field constant that represents the day of the
month of this object.
- Description
A field constant that represents the day of the
month of this object. This field is synonymous with DATE.
- Description
A field constant that represents the day of the
week of this object.
- Description
A field constant that represents the day of the
week in the current month. For example, February 10, 1997, has a DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH
value of 2 because it is the second Monday in February for that year.
- Description
A field constant that represents the day of the
year of this object. January 1 is the first day of the year.
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A field constant that represents the offset due
to daylight savings time, in milliseconds, of this object.
- Description
A field constant that represents the era of this
object. A Gregorian calendar has two eras, BC and AD.
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A constant that represents the number of attribute
fields for Calendar objects.
- Description
A constant value that represents the day Friday.
- Description
A field constant that represents the hour of
this object.
- Description
A field constant that represents the hour of
the day of this object. A time of 1:00 P.M. has an HOUR
value of 1, but an HOUR_OF_DAY
value of 13.
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A field constant that represents the milliseconds
of this object.
- Description
A field constant that represents the minutes
of this object.
- Description
A constant value that represents the day Monday.
- Description
A field constant that represents the month of
this object.
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A constant value that represents afternoon and
evening times.
- Description
A constant value that represents the day Saturday.
- Description
A field constant that represents the seconds
of this object.
- Description
A constant value that represents the month of
- Description
A constant value that represents the day Sunday.
- Description
A constant value that represents the day Thursday.
- Description
A constant value that represents the day Tuesday.
- Description
A constant value that represents the thirteenth
month used in lunar calendars.
- Description
A constant value that represents the day Wednesday.
- Description
A field constant that represents the week of
the month of this object.
- Description
A field constant that represents the week of
the year of this object.
- Description
A field constant that represents the year of
this object.
- Description
A field constant that represents the raw time
zone offset, in milliseconds, of this object. The value should be added
to GMT to get local time.
- Description
A boolean value that indicates
if the time fields of this Calendar
have been set. These fields can be computed from the raw millisecond time
- Description
An array that stores the time field values for
this Calendar.
- Description
An array that contains a flag for each entry
in the fields array. The value
of each flag indicates if the corresponding entry in fields
has been set for this Calendar.
- Description
A boolean value that indicates
if the raw millisecond time value of this Calendar
has been set. The value can be computed from the time fields.
- Description
The raw time value for this Calendar.
The value is the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970
- Description
This constructor creates a Calendar
that uses the system's default time zone and locale. The default
time zone is that returned by TimeZone.getDefault().
The default locale is that returned by Locale.getDefault().
- Parameters
- zone
The TimeZone
to use.
- aLocale
The Locale
to use.
- Description
This constructor creates a Calendar
that uses the supplied time zone and locale.
- Returns
An array of Locale objects
for which Calendar objects
are installed.
- Description
This method returns an array of locales that have corresponding Calendar
- Returns
A Calendar for the default
time zone and locale.
- Description
This method returns a newly constructed Calendar
for the default time zone and locale. Future implementations
of this method may infer the subclass of Calendar
to instantiate based on the default locale. However, the current
implementation always returns a GregorianCalendar.
The default time zone is that
returned by TimeZone.getDefault(). The
default locale is that returned by Locale.getDefault().
- Parameters
- zone
The TimeZone
to use.
- Returns
A Calendar for the given time
zone and the default locale.
- Description
This method returns a newly constructed Calendar
for the given time zone and the default locale. Future implementations
of this method may infer the subclass of Calendar
to instantiate based on the default locale. However, the current
implementation always returns a GregorianCalendar.
The default locale is that
returned by Locale.getDefault().
- Parameters
- aLocale
The Locale
to use.
- Returns
A Calendar for the given locale
and the default time zone.
- Description
This method returns a newly constructed Calendar
for the given locale and the default time zone. Future implementations
of this method may infer the subclass of Calendar
to instantiate based on the given locale. However, the current
implementation always returns a GregorianCalendar.
The default time zone is
that returned by TimeZone.getDefault().
- Parameters
- zone
The TimeZone
to use.
- aLocale
The Locale
to use.
- Returns
A Calendar
for the given time zone and locale.
- Description
This method returns a newly constructed Calendar
for the given time zone and locale. Future implementations
of this method may infer the subclass of Calendar
to instantiate based on the given locale. However, the current
implementation always returns a GregorianCalendar.
- Parameters
- field
The time field to
be modified.
- amount
The amount to add
to the specified field value. This value can be negative.
- Description
This method adds the given amount to the specified time field. For example,
you can compute a date 90 days beyond the current date of this Calendar
by calling add(Calendar.DATE,
- Parameters
- when
The object to compare
to this Calendar.
- Returns
true if this object is after
when; false
- Description
This method returns true if
when is a Calendar
object whose value falls before the value of this Calendar.
- Parameters
- when
The object to compare
to this Calendar.
- Returns
true if this object is before
when; false
- Description
This method returns true if
when is a Calendar
object whose value falls after the value of this Calendar.
- Description
This method clears the values of all of the time
fields of this Calendar.
- Parameters
- field
The time field to be cleared.
- Description
This method clears the specified time field by setting its value to 0.
- Returns
A copy of this Calendar.
- Overrides
- Description
This method creates a copy of this Calendar
and returns it. In other words, the returned Calendar
has the same time field values and raw time value as this Calendar.
- Parameters
- when
The object to be compared
with this object.
- Returns
true if the objects are equal;
false if they are not.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns true if
when is an instance of Calendar
and it contains the same value as the object this method is associated
- Parameters
- field
The time field to
be retrieved.
- Returns
The value of the given time field.
- Description
This method returns the value of the specified time field. If the fields
of this Calendar have not been
set, they are set from the raw time value before the requested field is
- Returns
The first day of the week for this Calendar.
- Description
This method returns the day that is considered the beginning of the week
for this Calendar. This value
is determined by the Locale
of this Calendar. For example,
the first day of the week in the United States is Sunday, while in France
it is Monday.
- Parameters
- field
A time field constant.
- Returns
The highest minimum value for the given time field.
- Description
This method returns the highest minimum value for the given time field,
if the field has a range of minimum values. If the field does not have
a range of minimum values, this method is equivalent to getMinimum().
- Parameters
- field
A time field constant.
- Returns
The lowest maximum value for the given time field.
- Description
This method returns the lowest maximum value for the given time field,
if the field has a range of maximum values. If the field does not have
a range of maximum values, this method is equivalent to getMaximum(). For example, for a GregorianCalendar,
the lowest maximum value of DATE_OF_MONTH
is 28.
- Parameters
- field
A time field constant.
- Returns
The maximum value for the given time field.
- Description
This method returns the maximum value for the given time field. For example,
for a GregorianCalendar, the
maximum value of DATE_OF_MONTH
is 31.
- Returns
The number of days that must be in the first week of the year.
- Description
This method returns the number of days that must be in the first week of
the year. For example, a value of 7 indicates that the first week of the
year must be a full week, while a value of 1 indicates that the first week
of the year can contain a single day. This value is determined by the Locale
of this Calendar.
- Parameters
- field
A time field constant.
- Returns
The minimum value for the given time field.
- Description
This method returns the minimum value for the given time field. For example,
for a GregorianCalendar, the
minimum value of DATE_OF_MONTH
is 1.
- Returns
A Date
object that represents the point in time represented by this Calendar.
- Description
This method returns a newly created Date
object that is constructed from the value returned by getTimeInMillis().
- Returns
The TimeZone
of this Calendar.
- Description
This method returns the TimeZone
object for this Calendar.
- Returns
A boolean value that indicates
the leniency of this Calendar.
- Description
This method returns the current leniency of this Calendar.
A value of false indicates
that the Calendar throws exceptions
when questionable data is passed to it, while a value of true
indicates that the Calendar
makes its best guess to interpret questionable data. For example, if the
Calendar is being lenient,
a date such as
March 135, 1997 is interpreted as the 134th
day after March 1, 1997.
- Parameters
- field
A time field constant.
- Returns
true if the time field has
been set; false otherwise.
- Description
This method returns a boolean
value that indicates whether or not the specified time field has been set.
- Parameters
- field
The time field to
be adjusted.
- up
A boolean
value that indicates if the given field should be incremented.
- Description
This method adds or subtracts one time unit from the given time field.
For example, to increase the current date by one day, you can call roll(Calendar.DATE,
The method maintains the field being rolled within its valid range.
For example, in a calendar system that uses hours and minutes to
measure time, rolling the minutes up from 59 sets that field to 0.
By the same token, rolling that field down from 0 sets it to 59.
The roll() method does not adjust the value
of any other field than the one specified by its field
argument. In particular, for calendar systems that have months
with different numbers of days, it may be necessary to adjust the
month and also year when the day of the month is rolled up.
It is the responsibility of the caller of roll()
to perform that adjustment.
- Parameters
- field
The time field to
be set.
- value
The new value.
- Description
This method sets the value of the specified time field.
- Parameters
- year
The value for the
year field.
- month
The value for the
month field, where 0 represents the first month.
- date
The value for the
day-of-the-month field.
- Description
This method sets the values of the year, month, and day-of-the-month
fields of this Calendar.
- Parameters
- year
The value for the
year field.
- month
The value for the
month field, where 0 represents the first month.
- date
The value for the
day-of-the-month field.
- hour
The value for the
hour field.
- minute
The value for the
minute field.
- Description
This method sets the values of the year, month, day-of-the-month,
hour, and minute fields of this Calendar.
- Parameters
- year
The value for the
year field.
- month
The value for the
month field, where 0 represents the first month.
- date
The value for the
day-of-the-month field.
- hour
The value for the
hour field.
- minute
The value for the
minute field.
- second
The value for the
second field.
- Description
This method sets the values of the year, month, day-of-the-month,
hour, minute, and second fields of this Calendar.
- Parameters
- value
The value for the
first day of the week.
- Description
This method sets the day that is considered the beginning of
the week for this Calendar.
This value should be determined by the Locale
of this Calendar. For example,
the first day of the week in the United States is Sunday; in France
it's Monday.
- Parameters
- lenient
A boolean
value that specifies the leniency of this Calendar.
- Description
This method sets the leniency of this Calendar.
A value of false specifies
that the Calendar throws exceptions
when questionable data is passed to it, while a value of true
indicates that the Calendar
makes its best guess to interpret questionable data. For example, if the
Calendar is being lenient,
a date such as March 135, 1997 is interpreted as the 135th
day after March 1, 1997.
- Parameters
- value
The value for the
minimum number of days in the first week of the year.
- Description
This method sets the minimum number of days in the first week
of the year. For example, a value of 7 indicates the first week of
the year must be a full week, while a value of 1 indicates the first
week of the year can contain a single day. This value should be determined
by the Locale of this Calendar.
- Parameters
- date
A Date
object that represents the new time value.
- Description
This method sets the point in time that is represented by this
- Parameters
- value
A TimeZone
object that represents the new time zone.
- Description
This method is used to set the time zone of this Calendar.
- Description
This method fills out the fields of this Calendar as much as
possible by calling computeTime()
and computeFields().
- Description
This method calculates the time fields of this
Calendar from its raw time
- Description
This method calculates the raw time value of this Calendar from its time
field values.
- Returns
The raw time value of this Calendar.
- Description
This method returns the raw time value of this Calendar.
The value is measured as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January
1, 1970 GMT.
- Parameters
- field
A time field constant.
- Returns
The value of the given time field.
- Description
This method returns the value of the specified time field without
first checking to see if it needs to be computed from the raw time value.
- Parameters
- millis
The new raw time
value for this Calendar.
- Description
This method sets the raw time value of this Calendar.
The value is measured as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January
1, 1970 GMT.