Chapter 15 The java.net Package |
- Class Name:
- Superclass:
- Immediate Subclasses:
- Interfaces Implemented:
- Availability:
JDK 1.0 or later
The URLStreamHandler class
is an abstract class that defines
methods that encapsulate protocol-specific behavior. A stream handler protocol
knows how to establish a connection for a particular protocol and how to
parse the protocol-specific portion of a URL. An application does not normally
create a URLStreamHandler directly;
the appropriate subclass of URLStreamHandler
is created by a URLStreamHandlerFactory.
The main purpose of a subclass of URLStreamHandler
is to create a URLConnection
object for a given URL. The
URLStreamHandler object creates
an object of the appropriate subclass of URLConnection
for the protocol type specified by the URL. In order for a URL
object to handle a protocol type such as http,
ftp, or nntp,
it needs an object of the appropriate subclass of URLStreamHandler
to handle the protocol-specific details.
public abstract class java.net.URLStreamHandler extends java.lang.Object {
// Protected Instance Methods
protected abstract URLConnection openConnection(URL u)
protected void parseURL(URL u, String spec, int start, int limit);
protected void setURL(URL u, String protocol, String host,
int port, String file, String ref);
protected String toExternalForm(URL u);
- Parameters
- u
being connected to.
- Returns
The URLConnection object for
the given URL.
- Throws
- IOException
If any kind
of I/O error occurs.
- Description
This method handles the protocol-specific details of establishing a connection
to a remote resource specified by the URL.
The connection should be handled just up to the point where the resource
data can be downloaded. A ContentHandler
then takes care of downloading the data and creating an appropriate object.
A subclass of URLStreamHandler
must implement this method.
- Parameters
- u
A reference to a URL
object that receives the results of parsing.
- spec
The string representation
of a URL to be parsed.
- start
The offset at which
to begin parsing the protocol-specific portion of the URL.
- limit
The offset of the
last character that is to be parsed.
- Description
This method parses the string representation of a URL into a URL
Some parts of the URL object
may already be specified if spec
specifies a relative URL. However, values for those parts in spec
can override the inherited context.
The method only parses the protocol-specific portion of the URL. In other
words, start should specify
the character immediately after the first colon (:), which marks the termination
of the protocol type, and limit
should either be the last character in the string or the first pound sign
(#), which marks the beginning of a protocol-independent anchor. Rather
than return a result, the method calls the set()
method of the specified URL
object to set its fields to the appropriate values.
The implementation of the parseURL()
method in URLStreamHandler
parses the string representation as if it were an http
specification. A subclass that implements a protocol stream handler for
a different protocol must override this method to properly parse the URL.
- Parameters
- u
A reference to a URL
object to be modified.
- protocol
A protocol.
- host
A hostname.
- port
A port number.
- file
A filename.
- ref
A reference.
- Description
This method sets the protocol, hostname, port number, filename, and reference
of the given URL to the specified
values by calling the set()
method of the URL. Only subclasses
of URLStreamHandler are allowed
to call the set() method of
a URL object.
- Parameters
- u
object to convert to a string representation.
- Returns
A string representation of the given URL.
- Description
This method unparses a URL
object and returns a string representation of the URL.
The implementation of the toExternalForm()
method in URLStreamHandler
returns a string representation that is appropriate for an http
specification. A subclass that implements a protocol stream handler for
a different protocol must override this method to create a correct string