Chapter 15 The java.net Package |
- Class Name:
- Superclass:
- Immediate Subclasses:
- Interfaces Implemented:
- Availability:
JDK 1.0 or later
The URL class represents a
Uniform Resource Locator, or URL. The class provides methods for retrieving
the various parts of a URL and also access to the resource itself.
An absolute URL consists of a protocol, a hostname, a port number, a filename,
and an optional reference, or anchor. For example, consider the following
This URL consists of the following parts:
A relative URL specifies only enough information to locate the resource
relative to another URL. The filename component is the only part that must
be specified for a relative URL. If the protocol, hostname, or port number
is not specified, the value is taken from a fully specified URL. For example,
the following is a relative URL based on the absolute URL above:
This relative URL is equivalent to the following absolute URL:
The URL class also provides
access to the resource itself, through the getContent(),
openConnection(), and openStream()
methods. However, these are all convenience functions: other classes
do the actual work of accessing the resource.
A protocol handler is an object that knows how to deal with a specific
protocol. For example, an http
protocol handler opens a connection to an http
host. In java.net, subclasses
of URLStreamHandler deal with
different protocols. A URLStreamHandlerFactory
selects a subclass of URLStreamHandler
based on a MIME type. Once the URLStreamHandler
has established a connection with a host using a specific protocol, a subclass
of ContentHandler retrieves resource data from the host and creates an object from it.
public final class java.net.URL extends java.lang.Object
implements java.io.Serializable {
// Constructors
public URL(String spec);
public URL(URL context, String spec);
public URL(String protocol, String host, String file);
public URL(String protocol, String host, int port, String file);
// Class Methods
public static synchronized void setURLStreamHandlerFactory(
URLStreamHandlerFactory fac);
// Instance Methods
public boolean equals(Object obj);
public final Object getContent();
public String getFile();
public String getHost();
public int getPort();
public String getProtocol();
public String getRef();
public int hashCode();
public URLConnection openConnection();
public final InputStream openStream();
public boolean sameFile(URL other);
public String toExternalForm();
public String toString();
// Protected Instance Methods
protected void set(String protocol, String host, int port,
String file, String ref);
- Parameters
- spec
A String
that represents a URL.
- Throws
- MalformedURLException
If the string is incorrectly constructed or specifies an unknown protocol.
- Description
This constructor creates a URL
by parsing the given string. The string should specify an absolute URL.
Calling this constructor is equivalent to calling URL(null,
- Parameters
- context
A base URL
that provides the context for parsing spec.
- spec
A String
that represents a URL.
- Throws
- MalformedURLException
If the string is incorrectly constructed or specifies an unknown protocol.
- Description
This constructor creates a URL
relative to the base URL specified by context.
If context is not null,
and spec specifies a partial
URL, the missing parts of spec
are inherited from context.
The given string is first parsed to see if it specifies a protocol. If
the string contains a colon (:)
before the first occurrence of a slash (/),
the characters before the colon comprise the protocol.
If spec does not specify a protocol, and
context is not null, the
protocol is inherited from context, as are the
hostname, port number, and filename. If context is
null in this situation, the constructor throws a
If spec does specify a protocol, and
context is null or specifies a
different protocol, the context argument is ignored
and spec should specify an absolute URL. If
context specifies the same protocol as
spec, the hostname, port number, and filename from
context are inherited.
Once the constructor has created a fully specified
URL object, it searches for an appropriate protocol
handler of type URLStreamHandler, as described for
URL(String, String,
int, String). Then the
parseURL() method of the URLStreamHandleris called to parse the remainder of the URL so that the
fields in spec can override any values inherited
from context.
- Parameters
- protocol
A protocol.
- host
A hostname.
- file
A filename.
- Throws
- MalformedURLException
If an unknown protocol is specified.
- Description
This constructor creates a URL
with the given protocol, hostname, and filename. The port number is set
to the default port for the given protocol. Calling this constructor is
equivalent to calling URL(protocol,
host, -1,
- Parameters
- protocol
A protocol.
- host
A hostname.
- port
A port number or
-1 to use the default port for the protocol.
- file
A filename.
- Throws
- MalformedURLException
If an unknown protocol is specified.
- Description
This constructor creates a URL
with the given protocol, hostname, port number, and filename.
If this is the first URL object
being created with the specified protocol, a protocol handler of type URLStreamHandler
is created for the protocol. Here are the steps that are taken to create
a protocol handler:
- If an application has set up a URLStreamHandlerFactory
by calling setURLStreamHandlerFactory(), the
constructor calls the createURLStreamHandler()
method of that object to create the protocol handler. The protocol is passed as a
String argument to that method.
- If no URLStreamHandlerFactory has been established, or the
createURLStreamHandler() method returns
null, the constructor retrieves the value of the
system property java.protocol.handler.pkgs. If this
value is not null, it is interpreted as a list of
packages separated by vertical bar (|)
characters. The constructor then tries to load the class named
where package is the name of the first package in
the list and protocol
is the name of the protocol. If the class exists, and is a subclass of
URLStreamHandler, it is used as the
for the protocol. If the class does not exist, or if it exists
but is not a subclass of URLStreamHandler, the
constructor tries the next package in the list.
- If the previous step fails to find an appropriate protocol handler, the constructor tries to load the class named
where protocol is the name of the protocol. If the
class exists and is a subclass of URLStreamHandler, it
is used as the URLStreamHandler
for the protocol. If the class does not exist, or if it exists
but is not a subclass of URLStreamHandler, a
MalformedURLException is thrown.
- Parameters
- fac
An object that implements
- Throws
- Error
If the factory has
already been defined.
- SecurityException
If the application does not have permission to set the factory.
- Description
This method tells the URL class
to use the given URLStreamHandlerFactory
object for handling all URL
objects. The purpose of this mechanism is to allow a program that hosts
applets, such as a web browser, control over the creation of URLStreamHandler
- Parameters
- obj
The object to be compared
with this object.
- Returns
- true
if the objects are equivalent;
- false
if they are not.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns true if
obj is an instance of URL
with the same protocol, hostname, port number, and filename as this URL.
The reference is only compared if it is not null
in this URL.
- Returns
The Object
created from the resource represented by this URL.
- Throws
- IOException
If any kind
of I/O error occurs.
- Description
This method returns the content of the URL,
encapsulated in an object that is appropriate for the type of the content.
The method is shorthand for calling openConnection().getContent(),
which uses a ContentHandler
object to retrieve the content.
- Returns
The filename of the URL.
- Description
This method returns the name of the file of this URL.
Note that the file can be misleading; although the resource represented
by this URL may be a file,
it can also be generated on the fly by the server.
- Returns
The hostname of the URL.
- Description
This method returns the hostname from this URL.
- Returns
The port number of the URL.
- Description
This method returns the port number of this URL.
If a port number is not specified for this URL,
meaning it uses the default port for the protocol, -1 is returned.
- Returns
The protocol of the URL.
- Description
This method returns the protocol of this URL.
Some examples of protocols are: http,
ftp, and mailto.
- Returns
The reference of the URL.
- Description
This method returns the reference, or anchor, of this URL.
- Returns
The hashcode of the URL.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns a hashcode for this object.
- Returns
A URLConnection object for the URL.
- Throws
- IOException
If any kind
of I/O error occurs.
- Description
This method returns a URLConnection
than manages a connection to the resource represented by
this URL. If there is not already
an open connection, the method opens a connection by calling the openConnection()
method of the URLStreamHandler for
this URL. A URLStreamHandler
for the protocol of the URL
is created by the constructor of the URL.
- Returns
A InputStream that reads from this URL.
- Throws
- IOException
If any kind
of I/O error occurs.
- Description
This method returns an InputStream
object that reads the content of the given URL.
The method is shorthand for calling openConnection().getInputStream().
- Parameters
- other
to compare.
- Returns
A boolean value that indicates
if this URL is equivalent to
other with the exception of
- Description
This method returns true if
this object and the given URL
object specify the same protocol, specify hosts that have the same IP address,
specify the same port number, and specify the same filename. The filename
comparison is case-sensitive. References specified by the URLs are not
considered by this method. This method is a helper method for equals().
- Returns
A string representation of the URL.
- Description
This method returns a string representation of this URL.
The string representation is determined by the protocol of the URL.
The method calls the toExternalForm()
method of the URLStreamHandler for
this URL. A URLStreamHandler
for the protocol of the URL
is created by the constructor of the URL.
- Returns
A string representation of the URL.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns a string representation of this URL
by calling toExternalForm().
- Parameters
- protocol
A protocol.
- host
A hostname.
- port
A port number.
- file
A filename.
- ref
A reference.
- Description
This method sets the protocol, hostname, port number, filename, and reference
of this URL. The method is
called by a URLStreamHandler
to set the parts of the URL.
A URLStreamHandler for the
protocol of the URL is created
by the constructor of the URL.
It is this URLStreamHandler
that parses the URL string. This method is used after parsing to set the
values of the URL.