Chapter 15 The java.net Package |
- Class Name:
- Superclass:
- Immediate Subclasses:
- Interfaces Implemented:
- Availability:
JDK 1.0 or later
The DatagramSocket class implements
packet-oriented, connectionless data communication. In Internet parlance,
this is the User Datagram Protocol, commonly known as UDP (see RFC 768).
Each packet wanders through the network, routed by its destination address.
Different packets can take different paths through the network and may
arrive in a different order than they were sent. Furthermore, packets are
not even guaranteed to reach their destination. It is up to an application
that uses DatagramSocket to
determine if data is out of order or missing. While these features may
seem like disadvantages of DatagramSocket,
there is also some advantage to using this class.
Primarily, communication using DatagramSocket
is faster than Socket stream
communication because of the lack of overhead involved.
public class java.net.DatagramSocket extends java.lang.Object {
// Constructors
public DatagramSocket();
public DatagramSocket(int port);
public DatagramSocket(int port, InetAddress laddr); // New in 1.1
// Instance Methods
public void close();
public InetAddress getLocalAddress(); // New in 1.1
public int getLocalPort();
public synchronized int getSoTimeout(); // New in 1.1
public synchronized void receive(DatagramPacket p);
public void send(DatagramPacket p);
public synchronized void setSoTimeout(int timeout); // New in 1.1
- Throws
- SocketException
If any kind of socket error occurs.
- SecurityException
If the application is not allowed to listen on the port.
- Description
This constructor creates a DatagramSocket
that is bound to any available port on the local host machine.
- Parameters
- port
A port number.
- Throws
- SocketException
If any kind of socket error occurs.
- SecurityException
If the application is not allowed to listen on the given port.
- Description
This constructor creates a DatagramSocket
that is bound to the given port on the local host machine.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- port
A port number.
- laddr
A local address.
- Throws
- SocketException
If any kind of socket error occurs.
- SecurityException
If the application is not allowed to listen on the given port on the specified
- Description
This constructor creates a DatagramSocket
that is bound to the given port on the specified local host machine.
- Description
This method closes the socket, releasing any
system resources it holds.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
The local address of the socket.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the application is not allowed to retrieve the address.
- Description
This method returns the local address to which this DatagramSocket
is bound.
- Returns
The port number of the socket.
- Description
This method returns the local port to which this DatagramSocket
is bound.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
The receive time-out value for the socket.
- Throws
- SocketException
If any kind of socket error occurs.
- Description
This method returns the receive time-out value for this socket. A value
of zero indicates that the socket waits indefinitely for an incoming packet,
while a non-zero value indicates the number of milliseconds it waits.
- Parameters
- p
The DatagramPacket that receives incoming data.
- Throws
- IOException
If any kind of I/O error occurs.
- SecurityException
If the application is not allowed to receive data from the packet's
- InterruptedIOException
If a packet does not arrive before the time-out period expires.
- Description
This method receives a datagram packet on this socket. After this method
returns, the given DatagramPacket
contains the packet's data and length, and the sender's address
and port number. If the data that was sent is longer that the given packet's
data buffer, the data is truncated.
If a time-out value is specified using the setSoTimeout()
method, the method either returns with the received packet or times out,
throwing an InterruptedIOException.
If no time-out value is specified, the method blocks until it receives a
- Parameters
- p
The DatagramPacket to be sent.
- Throws
- IOException
If any kind of I/O error occurs.
- SecurityException
If the application is not allowed to send data to the packet's destination.
- Description
This method sends a packet from this socket. The packet data, packet length,
destination address, and destination port number are specified by the given
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- timeout
The new time-out value, in milliseconds, for this socket.
- Throws
- SocketException
If any kind of socket error occurs.
- Description
This method is used to set the time-out value that is used for receive().
A non-zero value specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the
DatagramSocket should wait
for an incoming packet. A value of zero indicates that the DatagramSocket
should wait indefinitely for an incoming packet. If a time-out value is
needed, this method must be called before receive().