Chapter 14 The java.math Package |
- Class Name:
- Superclass:
- Immediate Subclasses:
- Interfaces Implemented:
- Availability:
New as of JDK 1.1
The BigInteger class represents
an arbitrary-precision integer value. You should use this class if a long
is not big enough for your purposes. The number in a BigInteger
is represented by a sign value and a magnitude, which is an arbitrarily large
array of bytes. A BigInteger
cannot overflow.
Most of the methods in BigInteger
perform mathematical operations or make comparisons with other BigInteger
objects. BigInteger also defines
some methods for handling modular arithmetic and determining primality
that are needed for cryptographic purposes.
public class java.math.BigInteger extends java.lang.Number {
// Constructors
public BigInteger(byte[] val);
public BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude);
public BigInteger(String val);
public BigInteger(String val, int radix);
public BigInteger(int numBits, Random rndSrc);
public BigInteger(int bitLength, int certainty, Random rnd);
// Class Methods
public static BigInteger valueOf(long val);
// Instance Methods
public BigInteger abs();
public BigInteger add(BigInteger val);
public BigInteger and(BigInteger val);
public BigInteger andNot(BigInteger val);
public int bitCount();
public int bitLength();
public BigInteger clearBit(int n);
public int compareTo(BigInteger val);
public BigInteger divide(BigInteger val);
public BigInteger[] divideAndRemainder(BigInteger val);
public double doubleValue();
public boolean equals(Object x);
public BigInteger flipBit(int n);
public float floatValue();
public BigInteger gcd(BigInteger val);
public int getLowestSetBit();
public int hashCode();
public int intValue();
public boolean isProbablePrime(int certainty);
public long longValue();
public BigInteger max(BigInteger val);
public BigInteger min(BigInteger val);
public BigInteger mod(BigInteger m);
public BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger m);
public BigInteger modPow(BigInteger exponent, BigInteger m);
public BigInteger multiply(BigInteger val);
public BigInteger negate();
public BigInteger not();
public BigInteger or(BigInteger val);
public BigInteger pow(int exponent);
public BigInteger remainder(BigInteger val);
public BigInteger setBit(int n);
public BigInteger shiftLeft(int n);
public BigInteger shiftRight(int n);
public int signum();
public BigInteger subtract(BigInteger val);
public boolean testBit(int n);
public byte[] toByteArray();
public String toString();
public String toString(int radix);
public BigInteger xor(BigInteger val);
- Parameters
- val
The initial value.
- Throws
- NumberFormatException
If the array does not contain any bytes.
- Description
This constructor creates a BigInteger
with the given initial value. The value is expressed as a two's complement
signed integer, with the most significant byte in the first position (val[0])
of the array (big-endian). The most significant bit of the most significant
byte is the sign bit.
- Parameters
- signum
The sign of the value: -1 indicates negative, 0 indicates zero, and 1
indicates positive.
- magnitude
The initial magnitude of the value.
- Throws
- NumberFormatException
If signum is invalid or if
signum is 0 but magnitude is not 0.
- Description
This constructor creates a BigInteger
with the given initial value and sign. The magnitude is expressed as a
big-endian byte array.
- Parameters
- val
The initial value.
- Throws
- NumberFormatException
If the string cannot be parsed into a valid BigInteger.
- Description
This constructor creates a BigInteger
with the initial value specified by the String.
The string can contain an optional minus sign followed by zero or more
decimal digits. The mapping from characters to digits is provided by the
Character.digit() method.
- Parameters
- val
The initial value.
- radix
The radix to use to parse the given string.
- Throws
- NumberFormatException
If the string cannot be parsed, or if the radix is not in the allowed range
(Character.MIN_RADIX through
- Description
This constructor creates a BigInteger
with the initial value specified by the String
using the given radix. The string can contain an optional minus sign followed
by zero or more digits in the specified radix. The mapping from characters
to digits is provided by the Character.digit()
- Parameters
- numBits
The maximum number of bits in the returned number.
- rndSrc
The source of the random bits.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If numBits is less than zero.
- Description
This constructor creates a random BigInteger in the
range 0 to
2^numBits -1.
- Parameters
- bitLength
The maximum number of bits in the returned number.
- certainty
The certainty that the returned value is a prime number.
- rnd
The source of the random bits.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If numBits is less than 2.
- Description
This constructor creates a random BigInteger
in the range 0 to
that is probably a prime number. The probability that the returned number
is prime is greater
than 1-.5^certainty.
In other words, the higher the value of certainty,
the more likely the BigInteger
is to be prime, and also the longer it takes for the constructor to create
the BigInteger.
- Parameters
- val
The initial value.
- Returns
A BigInteger that represents
the given value.
- Description
This method creates a BigInteger
from the given long value.
- Returns
A BigInteger that contains
the absolute value of this number.
- Description
This method returns the absolute value of this BigInteger.
If this BigInteger is nonnegative,
it is returned. Otherwise, a new BigInteger
that contains the absolute value of this BigInteger
is returned.
- Parameters
- val
The number to be added.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the sum of this number and the given value.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If any kind of arithmetic error occurs.
- Description
This method returns the sum of this BigInteger
and the given BigInteger as
a new BigInteger.
- Parameters
- val
The number to be ANDed.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the bitwise AND of this number and the given value.
- Description
This method returns the bitwise AND of this BigInteger
and the supplied BigInteger
as a new BigInteger.
- Parameters
- val
The number to be combined
with this BigInteger.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the bitwise AND of this number and the bitwise negation of the given value.
- Description
This method returns the bitwise AND of this BigInteger
and the bitwise negation of the given BigInteger
as a new BigInteger. Calling
this method is equivalent to calling and(val.not()).
- Returns
The number of bits that differ from this BigInteger's
sign bit.
- Description
This method returns the number of bits in the two's complement representation
of this BigInteger that differ
from the sign bit of this BigInteger.
- Returns
The number of bits needed to represent this number, excluding a sign bit.
- Description
This method returns the minimum number of bits needed to represent this
number, not counting a sign bit.
- Parameters
- n
The bit to clear.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the value of this BigInteger
with the given bit cleared.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If n is less than 0.
- Description
This method returns a new BigInteger
that is equal to this BigInteger,
except that the given bit is cleared, or set to zero.
- Parameters
- val
The value to be compared.
- Returns
-1 if this number is less than val,
0 if this number is equal to val,
or 1 if this number is greater than val.
- Description
This method compares this BigInteger
to the given BigInteger and
returns a value that indicates the result of the comparison. This method
can be used to implement all six of the standard boolean comparison operators:
==, !=,
<=, <,
>=, and >.
- Parameters
- val
The divisor.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the result (quotient) of dividing this number by the given value.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If val is zero.
- Description
This method returns the quotient that results from dividing this BigInteger
by the given BigInteger as
a new BigInteger. Any fractional
remainder is discarded.
- Parameters
- val
The divisor.
- Returns
An array of BigInteger objects that contains the quotient and remainder
(in that order) that result from dividing this number by the given value.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If val is zero.
- Description
This method returns the quotient and remainder that results from dividing
this BigInteger by the given
BigInteger as an array of new
BigInteger objects. The first
element of the array is equal to divide(val);
the second element is equal to remainder(val).
- Returns
The value of this BigInteger
as a double.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns the value of this BigInteger
as a double. If the value exceeds
the limits of a double, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
is returned.
- Parameters
- x
The object to be compared
with this object.
- Returns
true if the objects are equal;
false if they are not.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns true if
x is an instance of BigInteger,
and it represents the same value as this BigInteger.
- Parameters
- n
The bit to toggle.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the value of this BigInteger
with the given bit toggled.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If n is less than 0.
- Description
This method returns a new BigInteger
that is equal to this BigInteger,
except that the given bit is toggled. In other words, if the given bit
is 0, it is set to one, or if it is 1, it is set to zero.
- Returns
The value of this BigInteger
as a float.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns the value of this BigInteger
as a float. If the value exceeds
the limits of a float, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY
is returned.
- Parameters
- val
The number to be compared.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the greatest common denominator of this number and the given number.
- Description
This method calculates the greatest common denominator of the absolute
value of this BigInteger and
the absolute value of the given BigInteger,
and returns it as a new BigInteger.
If both values are 0, the method returns a BigInteger
that contains the value 0.
- Returns
The index of the lowest-order bit with a value of 1, or -1 if there are
no bits that are 1.
- Description
This method returns the index of the lowest-order, or rightmost, bit with
a value of 1.
- Returns
A hashcode for this object.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns a hashcode for this BigInteger.
- Returns
The value of this BigInteger
as an int.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns the value of this BigInteger
as an int. If the value exceeds
the limits of an int, the excessive high-order
bits are discarded.
- Parameters
- certainty
The "certainty"
that this number is prime, where a higher value indicates more certainty.
- Returns
true if this number is probably
prime; false if it is definitely
not prime.
- Description
This method returns true if this number has a
probability of being prime that is greater than 1-.5^certainty. If the number is
definitely not prime, false is returned.
- Returns
The value of this BigInteger
as a long.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns the value of this BigInteger
as a long. If the value exceeds
the limits of a long, the excessive high-order
bits are discarded.
- Parameters
- val
The number to be compared.
- Returns
The BigInteger that represents
the greater of this number and the given value.
- Description
This method returns the greater of this BigInteger
and the given BigInteger.
- Parameters
- val
The number to be compared.
- Returns
The BigInteger that represents
the lesser of this number and the given value.
- Description
This method returns the lesser of this BigInteger
and the given BigInteger.
- Parameters
- m
The number to use.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the modulus of this number and the given number.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If m is less than or equal to zero.
- Description
This method returns a new BigInteger
that contains the value of this BigInteger
mod m.
- Parameters
- m
The number to use.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the multiplicative inverse of the modulus of this number and the given
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If m is less than or equal
to zero, or if the result cannot be calculated.
- Description
This method returns a new BigInteger
that contains the multiplicative inverse of the value of this BigInteger
mod m.
- Parameters
- exponent
The exponent.
- m
The number to use.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the modulus of this number raised to the given power and the given number.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If m is less than or equal to zero.
- Description
This method returns a new BigInteger
that contains the value of this BigInteger
raised to the given power mod m.
- Parameters
- val
The number to be multiplied.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the product of this number and the given number.
- Description
This method multiplies this BigInteger
by the given BigInteger and
returns the product as a new BigInteger.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the negative of this number.
- Description
This method returns a new BigInteger
that is identical to this BigInteger
except that its sign is reversed.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the bitwise negation of this number.
- Description
This method returns a new BigInteger
that is calculated by inverting every bit of this BigInteger.
- Parameters
- val
The value to be ORed.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the bitwise OR of this number and the given value.
- Description
This method returns the bitwise OR of this BigInteger
and the given BigInteger as
a new BigInteger.
- Parameters
- exponent
The exponent.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the result of raising this number to the given power.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If exponent is less than zero.
- Description
This method raises this BigInteger
to the given power and returns the result as a new BigInteger.
- Parameters
- val
The divisor.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the remainder that results from dividing this number by the given value.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If val is zero.
- Description
This method returns the remainder that results from dividing this BigInteger
by the given BigInteger as
a new BigInteger.
- Parameters
- n
The bit to set.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the value of this BigInteger
with the given bit set.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If n is less than zero.
- Description
This method returns a new BigInteger
that is equal to this BigInteger,
except that the given bit is set to 1.
- Parameters
- n
The number of bits to
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the result of shifting the bits of this number left by the given number
of bits.
- Description
This method returns a new BigInteger
that contains the value of this BigInteger
left-shifted by the given number of bits.
- Parameters
- n
The number of bits to
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the result of shifting the bits of this number right by the given number
of bits with sign extension.
- Description
This method returns a new BigInteger
that contains the value of this BigInteger
right-shifted by the given number of bits with sign extension.
- Returns
-1 is this number is negative, 0 if this number is zero, or 1 if this number
is positive.
- Description
This method returns a value that indicates the sign of this BigInteger.
- Parameters
- val
The number to be subtracted.
- Returns
A new BigDecimal that contains
the result of subtracting the given number from this number.
- Description
This method subtracts the given BigInteger
from this BigInteger and returns
the result as a new BigInteger.
- Parameters
- n
The bit to test.
- Returns
true if the specified bit is 1;
false if the specified bit is 0.
- Throws
- ArithmeticException
If n is less than zero.
- Description
This method returns
true if the specified bit in
this BigInteger is 1.
Otherwise the method returns false.
- Returns
An array of bytes that represents this object.
- Description
This method returns an array of bytes that contains the two's complement
representation of this BigInteger.
The most significant byte is in the first position (val[0])
of the array. The array can be used with the BigInteger(byte[])
constructor to reconstruct the number.
- Returns
A string representation of this object in decimal form.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns a string representation of this BigInteger
in decimal form. A minus sign represents the sign if necessary.
The mapping from digits to characters is provided by the Character.forDigit()
- Parameters
- radix
The radix to use.
- Returns
A string representation of this object in the given radix.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns a string representation of this BigInteger
for the given radix. A minus sign is used to represent the sign if necessary.
The mapping from digits to characters is provided by the Character.forDigit()
- Parameters
- val
The value to be XORed.
- Returns
A new BigInteger that contains
the bitwise XOR of this number and the given value.
- Description
This method returns the bitwise XOR of this BigInteger
and the given BigInteger as
a new BigInteger.