Chapter 12 The java.lang Package |
- Class Name:
- Superclass:
- Immediate Subclasses:
- Interfaces Implemented:
- Availability:
JDK 1.0 or later
As of Java 1.1, instances of the Class class
are used as run-time descriptions of all Java data types, both reference types
and primitive types. The Class class has also been
greatly expanded in 1.1 to provide support for the Reflection API.
Prior to 1.1, Class just
provided run-time descriptions of reference types.
A Class object provides considerable
information about the data type. You can use the
method to find out if a Class object describes
a primitive type, while isArray() indicates if
the object describes an array type. If a Class
object describes a class or interface type, there are numerous methods
that return information about the fields, methods, and constructors
of the type. This information is returned as
java.lang.reflect.Method, and
java.lang.reflect.Constructor objects.
There are a number of ways that you can get a Class
object for a particular data type:
You can create an instance of a class using the
method of a Class object, if the class has a
constructor that takes no arguments.
The Class
has no public constructors; it cannot be explicitly
instantiated. Class objects are normally created
by the ClassLoader class or a ClassLoader
public final class java.lang.Class extends java.lang.Object
implements java.io.Serializable {
// Class Methods
public static native Class forName(String className);
// Instance Methods
public Class[] getClasses(); // New in 1.1
public native ClassLoader getClassLoader();
public native Class getComponentType(); // New in 1.1
public Constructor
getConstructor(Class[] parameterTypes); // New in 1.1
public Constructor[] getConstructors(); // New in 1.1
public Class[] getDeclaredClasses(); // New in 1.1
public Constructor
getDeclaredConstructor(Class[] parameterTypes); // New in 1.1
public Constructor[] getDeclaredConstructors(); // New in 1.1
public Field getDeclaredField(String name); // New in 1.1
public Field[] getDeclaredFields(); // New in 1.1
public Method getDeclaredMethod(String name,
Class[] parameterTypes) // New in 1.1
public Method[] getDeclaredMethods() // New in 1.1
public Class getDeclaringClass(); // New in 1.1
public Field getField(String name); // New in 1.1
public Field[] getFields(); // New in 1.1
public native Class[] getInterfaces();
public Method getMethod(String name,
Class[] parameterTypes); // New in 1.1
public Method[] getMethods(); // New in 1.1
public native int getModifiers(); // New in 1.1
public native String getName();
public URL getResource(String name); // New in 1.1
public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name); // New in 1.1
public native Object[] getSigners(); // New in 1.1
public native Class getSuperclass();
public native boolean isArray(); // New in 1.1
public native boolean isAssignableFrom(Class cls); // New in 1.1
public native boolean isInstance(Object obj); // New in 1.1
public native boolean isInterface();
public native boolean isPrimitive(); // New in 1.1
public native Object newInstance();
public String toString();
- Parameters
- className
Name of a class qualified by the name of its
package. If the class is defined inside of another class, all dots
(.) that separate the top-level class name
from the class to load must be changed to dollar signs
($) for the name to be recognized.
- Returns
A Class object that describes the named
- Throws
- ClassNotFoundException
If the class cannot be loaded because it cannot
be found.
- Description
This method dynamically loads a class if it has
not already been loaded. The method returns a Class
object that describes the named class.
The most common use of forName() is for
loading classes on the fly when an application wants to use classes it wasn't built with. For example, a web browser uses this
technique. When a browser needs to load an applet, the browser calls
Class.forName() for the applet. The method loads
the class if it has not already been loaded and returns the
Class object that encapsulates the class. The
browser then creates an instance of the applet by calling the Class object's newInstance() method.
When a class is loaded using a ClassLoader
object, any classes loaded at the instigation of that class are
also loaded using the same ClassLoader object.
This method implements that security policy by trying to find a
ClassLoader object to load the named class.
The method searches the stack for the most recently invoked method
associated with a class that was loaded using a ClassLoader object. If such a class is found, the ClassLoader
object associated with that class is used.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
An array of Class objects that contains
the public classes and interfaces that
are members of this class.
- Description
If this Class object represents a
reference type, this method returns an array of Class
objects that lists all of the public classes and
interfaces that are members of this class or interface. The list
includes public classes and interfaces that
are inherited from superclasses and that are defined by this class
or interface. If there are no public member
classes or interfaces, or if this Class represents
a primitive type, the method returns an array of length
As of Java 1.1.1, this method always returns an array of length
0, no matter how many public
member classes this class or interface actually declares.
- Returns
The ClassLoader object used to load this
class or null if this class was not loaded with
a ClassLoader.
- Description
This method returns the ClassLoader object
that was used to load this class. If this class was not loaded with
a ClassLoader, null is returned.
This method is useful for making sure that a class gets loaded
with the same class loader as was used for loading this Class
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
A Class object that describes the component
type of this class if it is an array type.
- Description
If this Class object represents an array
type, this method returns a Class
object that describes the component type of the array.
If this Class does not represent
an array type, the method returns null.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- parameterTypes
An array of Class objects that describes the
parameter types, in declared order, of the constructor.
- Returns
A Constructor object that reflects the specified
public constructor of this class.
- Throws
- NoSuchMethodException
If the specified constructor does not exist.
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class, this method returns a Constructor
object that reflects the specified public
constructor of this class. The constructor is located by
searching all of the constructors of the class for a
public constructor that has exactly the
same formal parameters as specified. If this
Class does not represent
a class, the method returns null.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
An array of Constructor objects that reflect the
public constructors of this class.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class, this method returns an array of Constructor
objects that reflect the public
constructors of this class. If there are no public
constructors, or if this Class does not represent
a class, the method returns an array of length 0.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
An array of Class objects that contains
all of the declared classes and interfaces that
are members of this class.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
reference type, this method returns an array of Class
objects that lists all of the classes and
interfaces that are members of this class or interface. The list
includes public, protected,
default access, and private classes and interfaces that
are defined by this class or interface, but it excludes classes and
interfaces inherited from superclasses.
If there are no such member classes or interfaces, or if
this Class represents
a primitive type, the method returns an array of length
As of Java 1.1.1, this method always returns an array of length
0, no matter how many member classes this class or
interface declares.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- parameterTypes
An array of Class objects that describes the
parameter types, in declared order, of the constructor.
- Returns
A Constructor object that reflects the specified
declared constructor of this class.
- Throws
- NoSuchMethodException
If the specified constructor does not exist.
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class, this method returns a Constructor
object that reflects the specified declared
constructor of this class. The constructor is located by
searching all of the constructors of the class for a
public, protected, default
access, or private constructor that has exactly the
same formal parameters as specified. If this
Class does not represent
a class, the method returns null.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
An array of Constructor objects that reflect the
declared constructors of this class.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class, this method returns an array of Constructor
objects that reflect the public,
protected, default access, and private
constructors of this class. If there are no declared
constructors, or if this Class does not represent
a class, the method returns an array of length 0.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- name
The simple name of the field.
- Returns
A Field object that reflects the specified
declared field of this class.
- Throws
- NoSuchFieldException
If the specified field does not exist.
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class or interface, this method returns a Field
object that reflects the specified declared
field of this class. The field is located by
searching all of the fields of the class (but not inherited fields) for a
public, protected, default
access, or private field that has the specified
simple name. If this
Class does not
a class or interface, the method returns null.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
An array of Field objects that reflect the
declared fields of this class.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class or interface, this method returns an array of Field
objects that reflect the public,
protected, default access, and private
fields declared by this class, but excludes inherited fields.
If there are no declared
fields, or if this Class does not represent
a class or interface,
the method returns an array of length 0.
This method does not reflect the implicit length
field for array types. The methods of the class Array
should be used to manipulate array types.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- name
The simple name of the method.
- parameterTypes
An array of Class objects that describes the
parameter types, in declared order, of the method.
- Returns
A Method object that reflects the specified
declared method of this class.
- Throws
- NoSuchMethodException
If the specified method does not exist.
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class or interface, this method returns a Method
object that reflects the specified declared
method of this class. The method is located by
searching all of the methods of the class (but not inherited methods) for a
public, protected, default
access, or private method that has the specified
simple name and exactly the same formal parameters as specified.
If this Class does not represent
a class or interface, the method returns null.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
An array of Method objects that reflect the
declared methods of this class.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class or interface, this method returns an array of Method
objects that reflect the public,
protected, default access, and private
methods declared by this class, but excludes inherited methods.
If there are no declared
methods, or if this Class does not represent
a class or interface,
the method returns an array of length 0.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
A Class object that represents the declaring class if
this class is a member of another class.
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class or interface that is a member of another class
or interface, this method returns a Class
object that describes the declaring class or interface.
If this class or interface is not a member of another class
or interface, or if it represents
a primitive type, the method returns null.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- name
The simple name of the field.
- Returns
A Field object that reflects the specified
public field of this class.
- Throws
- NoSuchFieldException
If the specified field does not exist.
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class or interface, this method returns a Field
object that reflects the specified public
field of this class. The field is located by
searching all of the fields of the class, including any
inherited fields, for a
public field that has the specified
simple name. If this
Class does not represent
a class or interface, the method returns null.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
An array of Field objects that reflect the
public fields of this class.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class or interface, this method returns an array of Field
objects that reflect the public
fields declared by this class and any inherited public
fields. If there are no public
fields, or if this Class does not represent
a class or interface,
the method returns an array of length 0.
This method does not reflect the implicit length
field for array types. The methods of the class Array
should be used to manipulate array types.
- Returns
An array of the interfaces implemented by this class
or extended by this interface.
- Description
If the Class object represents a class,
this method returns an array that refers to all of the interfaces
that the class implements. The order of the interfaces referred
to in the array is the same as the order in the class declaration's
implements clause. If the class does not implement
any interfaces, the length of the returned array is 0.
If the object represents an interface, this method returns
an array that refers to all of the interfaces that this interface
extends. The interfaces occur in the order they appear
in the interface declaration's extends clause.
If the interface does not extend any interfaces, the length of the
returned array is 0.
If the object represents a primitive or array type, the method
returns an array of length 0.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- name
The simple name of the method.
- parameterTypes
An array of Class objects that describes the
parameter types, in declared order, of the method.
- Returns
A Method object that reflects the specified
public method of this class.
- Throws
- NoSuchMethodException
If the specified method does not exist.
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class or interface, this method returns a Method
object that reflects the specified public
method of this class. The method is located by
searching all of the methods of the class, including any inherited methods,
for a public method that has the specified
simple name and exactly the same formal parameters as specified.
If this Class does not represent
a class or interface, the method returns null.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
An array of Method objects that reflect the
public methods of this class.
- Throws
- SecurityException
If the checkMemberAccess() method of the
SecurityManager throws a
- Description
If this Class object represents a
class or interface, this method returns an array of Method
objects that reflect the public
methods declared by this class and any inherited public
methods. If there are no public
methods or if this Class doesn't represent
a class or interface,
the method returns an array of length 0.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
An integer that represents the modifier keywords used to declare
this class.
- Description
If this Class object represents a class or
interface, this method returns an integer value that represents
the modifiers used to declare the class or interface. The
Modifier class should be used to decode the
returned value.
- Returns
The fully qualified name of this class or interface.
- Description
This method returns the fully qualified name of the type
represented by this Class object.
If the object represents the class of an array, the method
returns a String that contains as many left square
brackets as there are dimensions in the array, followed by a code
that indicates the type of element contained in the base array.
Consider the following:
(new int [3][4][5]).getClass().getName()
This code returns "[[[I". The codes used
to indicate the element type are as follows:
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- name
A resource name.
- Returns
A URL object that is connected to the specified
resource or null if the resource cannot be found.
- Description
This method finds a resource with the given name for this
Class object and returns a
URL object that is connected to the resource.
The rules for searching for a resource associated with a class are
implemented by the ClassLoader for the class; this
method simply calls the getResource() method of
the ClassLoader. If this class does not
have a ClassLoader (i.e., it is a system class),
the method calls the ClassLoader.getSystemResource()
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- name
A resource name.
- Returns
An InputStream object that is connected to the specified
resource or null if the resource cannot be found.
- Description
This method finds a resource with the given name for this
Class object and returns an
InputStream object that is connected to the resource.
The rules for searching for a resource associated with a class are
implemented by the ClassLoader for the class; this
method simply calls the getResourceAsStream() method of
the ClassLoader. If this class does not
have a ClassLoader (i.e., it is a system class),
the method calls the ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream()
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
An array of Objects that represents the signers
of this class.
- Description
This method returns an
array of objects that represents the digital
signatures for this class.
- Returns
The superclass of this class or null if
there is no superclass.
- Description
If the Class object represents a class
other than Object, this method returns the Class object that represents its superclass. If the object represents
an interface, the Object class, or a primitive
type, the method
returns null.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
true if this object describes an array type;
otherwise false.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- cls
A Class object to be tested.
- Returns
true if the type represented by cls
is assignable to the type of this class:
otherwise false.
- Throws
- NullPointerException
If cls is null.
- Description
This method determines whether or not the type
represented by cls is assignable to the
type of this class.
If this class represents a class, this class must be the same
as cls or a superclass of cls.
If this class represents an interface, this class must be the same
as cls or a superinterface of cls.
If this class represents a primitive type, this class must
be the same as cls.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Parameters
- obj
An Object to be tested.
- Returns
true if obj can be cast to
the reference type specified by this class;
otherwise false.
- Throws
- NullPointerException
If obj is null.
- Description
This method determines whether or not the object represented
by obj can be cast to the type of
this class object without causing a ClassCastException.
This method is the dynamic equivalent of the instanceof
- Returns
true if this object describes an interface;
otherwise false.
- Availability
New as of JDK 1.1
- Returns
true if this object describes a primitive type;
otherwise false.
- Returns
A reference to a new instance of this class.
- Throws
- InstantiationException
If the Class object represents an interface or an
abstract class.
- IllegalAccessException
If the class or an initializer is not accessible.
- Description
This method creates a new instance of this class by performing
these steps:
- It creates a new object of the class
represented by the Class object.
- It calls the constructor for the class that takes
no arguments.
- It returns a reference to the initialized object.
The newInstance() method is useful for
creating an instance of a class that has been dynamically loaded
using the forName() method.
The reference returned by this method is usually cast to the
type of object that is instantiated.
The newInstance() method can throw objects that are not instances of the classes it is declared to throw. If the constructor invoked by newInstance() throws an exception, the exception is thrown by newInstance() regardless of the class of the object.
- Returns
A String that contains the name of the
class with either 'class' or 'interface' prepended as appropriate.
- Overrides
- Description
This method returns a string representation of the Class