Chapter 22 java.awt.image Reference |
The IndexColorModel class is
a ColorModel that uses a color
map lookup table (with a maximum size of 256) to convert pixel values into
their alpha, red, green, and blue component parts.
public class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
extends java.awt.image.ColorModel {
// Constructors
public IndexColorModel (int bits, int size,
byte[] colorMap, int start, boolean hasalpha);
public IndexColorModel (int bits, int size,
byte[] colorMap, int start, boolean hasalpha, int transparent);
public IndexColorModel (int bits, int size,
byte[] red, byte[] green, byte[] blue);
public IndexColorModel (int bits, int size,
byte[] red, byte[] green, byte[] blue, byte[] alpha);
public IndexColorModel (int bits, int size,
byte[] red, byte[] green, byte[] blue, int transparent);
// Instance Methods
public final int getAlpha (int pixel);
public final void getAlphas (byte[] alphas);
public final int getBlue (int pixel);
public final void getBlues (byte[] blues);
public final int getGreen (int pixel);
public final void getGreens (byte[] greens);
public final int getMapSize();
public final int getRed (int pixel);
public final void getReds (byte[] reds);
public final int getRGB (int pixel);
public final int getTransparentPixel();
- Parameters
- bits
The number of bits in a pixel.
- size
The number of entries in the color map. Note: this
is not the size of the colorMap
- colorMap
Color component values in red, green, blue, alpha order;
the alpha component is optional, and may not be present.
- start
The starting position in colorMap
- hasalpha
If hasalpha
is true, alpha components are present in colorMap
- Throws
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
size is invalid.
- Description
Constructs an IndexColorModel
object with the given component settings. The size of colorMap
must be at least 3*size+start,
if hasalpha is false; if hasalpha
is true, colorMap.length must
be at least 4*size+start.
- Parameters
- bits
The number of bits in a pixel.
- size
The number of entries in the color map. Note: this
is not the size of the colorMap
- colorMap
Color component values in red, green, blue, alpha order;
the alpha component is optional, and may not be present.
- start
The starting position in colorMap
- hasalpha
If hasalpha
is true, alpha components are present in colorMap
- transparent
Position of colorMap
entry for transparent pixel entry.
- Throws
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
size invalid.
- Description
Constructs an IndexColorModel
object with the given component settings. The size of colorMap
must be at least 3*size+start,
if hasalpha is false; if hasalpha
is true, colorMap.length must
be at least 4*size+start. The
color map has a transparent pixel; its location is given by transparent.
- Parameters
- bits
The number of bits in a pixel.
- size
The number of entries in the color map.
- red
Red color component values.
- green
Green color component values.
- blue
Blue color component values.
- Throws
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
size invalid.
- Description
Constructs an IndexColorModel
object with the given component settings. There is no alpha component.
The length of the red, green,
and blue arrays must be greater
than size.
- Parameters
- bits
The number of bits in a pixel.
- size
The number of entries in the color map.
- red
Red color component values.
- green
Green color component values.
- blue
Blue color component values.
- alpha
Alpha component values.
- Throws
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
size is invalid.
- NullPointerException
size is positive and alpha
array is null.
- Description
Constructs an IndexColorModel
object with the given component settings. The length of the red,
green, blue,
and alpha arrays must be greater
than size.
- Parameters
- bits
The number of bits in a pixel.
- size
The number of entries in the color map.
- red
Red color component values.
- green
Green color component values.
- blue
Blue color component values.
- transparent
Position of transparent pixel entry.
- Throws
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
size is invalid.
- Description
Constructs an IndexColorModel
object with the given component settings. The length of the red,
green, blue,
and alpha arrays must be greater
than size. The color map has
a transparent pixel; its location is given by transparent.
- Parameters
- pixel
A pixel encoded with this ColorModel.
- Returns
The current alpha setting of the pixel.
- Overrides
- Parameters
- alphas
The alpha values of the pixels in the color model.
- Description
Copies the alpha values from the color map into the array alphas[].
- Parameters
- pixel
A pixel encoded with this ColorModel.
- Returns
The current blue setting of the pixel.
- Overrides
- Parameters
- blues
The blue values of the pixels in the color model.
- Description
Copies the blue values from the color map into the array blues[].
- Parameters
- pixel
A pixel encoded with this ColorModel.
- Returns
The current green setting of the pixel.
- Overrides
- Parameters
- greens
The green values of the pixels in the color model.
- Description
Copies the green values from the color map into the array greens[].
- Returns
The current size of the color map table.
- Parameters
- pixel
A pixel encoded with this ColorModel.
- Returns
The current red setting of the pixel.
- Overrides
- Parameters
- reds
The red values of the pixels in the color model.
- Description
Copies the red values from the color map into the array reds[].
- Parameters
- pixel
A pixel encoded with this ColorModel.
- Returns
The current combined red, green, and blue settings of the pixel.
- Overrides
- Description
Gets the color of pixel in the default RGB color model.
- Returns
The array index for the transparent pixel in the color model.