21. java.awt.event Reference
DescriptionAction events are fired off when the user performs an action on a component, such as pushing a button, double-clicking on a list item, or selecting a menu item. There is only one action event type, ACTION_PERFORMED. Class Definition
public class java.awt.event.ActionEvent extends java.awt.AWTEvent { // Constants public final static int ACTION_FIRST; public final static int ACTION_LAST; public final static int ACTION_PERFORMED; public final static int ALT_MASK; public final static int CTRL_MASK; public final static int META_MASK; public final static int SHIFT_MASK; // Constructors public ActionEvent (Object source, int id, String command); public ActionEvent (Object source, int id, String command, int modifiers); // Instance Methods public String getActionCommand(); public int getModifiers(); public String paramString(); } ConstantsACTION_FIRSTpublic final static int ACTION_FIRSTSpecifies the beginning range of action event ID values. ACTION_LASTpublic final static int ACTION_LASTSpecifies the ending range of action event ID values. ACTION_PERFORMEDpublic final static int ACTION_PERFORMEDThe only action event type; it indicates that the user has performed an action. ALT_MASKpublic final static int ALT_MASKA constant representing the ALT key. ORed with other masks to form modifiers setting of an AWTEvent. CTRL_MASKpublic final static int CTRL_MASKA constant representing the Control key. ORed with other masks to form modifiers setting of an AWTEvent. META_MASKpublic final static int META_MASKA constant representing the META key. ORed with other masks to form modifiers setting of an AWTEvent. SHIFT_MASKpublic final static int SHIFT_MASKA constant representing the Shift key. ORed with other masks to form modifiers setting of an AWTEvent. ConstructorsActionEventpublic ActionEvent (Object source, int id, String command)
public ActionEvent (Object source, int id, String command, int modifiers)
Instance MethodsgetActionCommandpublic String getActionCommand()
getModifierspublic int getModifiers()
paramStringpublic String paramString()
See AlsoActionListener, AWTEvent, String |