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java.awt Reference

SystemColor (New)


SystemColor (New)

[Graphic: Figure from the text]


SystemColor provides information on the colors that the windowing system uses to display windows and other graphic components. Most windowing systems allow the user to choose different color schemes; SystemColor enables programs to find out what colors are in use in order to paint themselves in a consistent manner.

Class Definition

public final class java.awt.SystemColor
    extends java.awt.Color
    implements java.io.Serializable {
  // Constants
  public final static int ACTIVE_CAPTION;
  public final static int ACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER;
  public final static int ACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT;
  public final static int CONTROL;
  public final static int CONTROL_DK_SHADOW;
  public final static int CONTROL_HIGHLIGHT;
  public final static int CONTROL_LT_HIGHLIGHT;
  public final static int CONTROL_SHADOW;
  public final static int CONTROL_TEXT;
  public final static int DESKTOP;
  public final static int INACTIVE_CAPTION;
  public final static int INACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER;
  public final static int INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT;
  public final static int INFO;
  public final static int INFO_TEXT;
  public final static int MENU;
  public final static int MENU_TEXT;
  public final static int NUM_COLORS;
  public final static int SCROLLBAR;
  public final static int TEXT;
  public final static int TEXT_HIGHLIGHT;
  public final static int TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT;
  public final static int TEXT_INACTIVE_TEXT;
  public final static int TEXT_TEXT;
  public final static int WINDOW;
  public final static int WINDOW_BORDER;
  public final static int WINDOW_TEXT;
  public final static SystemColor activeCaption;
  public final static SystemColor activeCaptionBorder;
  public final static SystemColor activeCaptionText;
  public final static SystemColor control;
  public final static SystemColor controlDkShadow;
  public final static SystemColor controlHighlight;
  public final static SystemColor controlLtHighlight;
  public final static SystemColor controlShadow;
  public final static SystemColor controlText;
  public final static SystemColor desktop;
  public final static SystemColor inactiveCaption;
  public final static SystemColor inactiveCaptionBorder;
  public final static SystemColor inactiveCaptionText;
  public final static SystemColor info;
  public final static SystemColor infoText;
  public final static SystemColor menu;
  public final static SystemColor menuText;
  public final static SystemColor scrollbar;
  public final static SystemColor text;
  public final static SystemColor textHighlight;
  public final static SystemColor textHighlightText;
  public final static SystemColor textInactiveText;
  public final static SystemColor textText;
  public final static SystemColor window;
  public final static SystemColor windowBorder;
  public final static SystemColor windowText;
  // Public Instance Methods
  public int getRGB();
  public String toString();



public static final SystemColor activeCaption

Background color for captions in window borders.


public static final SystemColor activeCaptionBorder

Border color for captions in window borders.


public static final SystemColor activeCaptionText

Text color for captions in window borders.


public static final SystemColor control

Background color for controls.


public static final SystemColor inactiveCaption

Background color for inactive captions in window borders.


public static final SystemColor inactiveCaptionBorder

Border color for inactive captions in window borders.


public static final SystemColor inactiveCaptionText

Text color for inactive captions in window borders.


public static final SystemColor info

Background color for informational text.


public static final SystemColor infoText

Text color for informational text.


public static final SystemColor menu

Background color for menus.


public static final SystemColor scrollbar

Background color for scrollbars.


public static final SystemColor text

Background color for text components.


public static final SystemColor textHighlight

Background color for highlighted text.


public static final SystemColor textText

Text color for text components.


public static final SystemColor window

Background color for windows.

Instance Methods


public int getRGB()


Current color as a composite value




Gets integer value of current system color.


public String toString()


A string representation of the SystemColor object.



See Also

Color, Serializable, String

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