Chapter 19 java.awt Reference |
The Color class represents
a specific color to the system.
public final class java.awt.Color
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.io.Serializable {
// Constants
public static final Color black;
public static final Color blue;
public static final Color cyan;
public static final Color darkGray;
public static final Color gray;
public static final Color green;
public static final Color lightGray;
public static final Color magenta;
public static final Color orange;
public static final Color pink;
public static final Color red;
public static final Color white;
public static final Color yellow;
// Constructors
public Color (int rgb);
public Color (int red, int green, int blue);
public Color (float red, float green, float blue);
// Class Methods
public static Color decode (String name);
public static Color getColor (String name);
public static Color getColor (String name, Color defaultColor);
public static Color getColor (String name, int defaultColor);
public static Color getHSBColor (float hue, float saturation,
float brightness);
public static int HSBtoRGB (float hue, float saturation, float brightness);
public static float[] RGBtoHSB (int red, int green, int blue,
float hsbvalues[]);
// Instance Methods
public Color brighter();
public Color darker();
public boolean equals (Object object);
public int getBlue();
public int getGreen();
public int getRed();
public int getRGB();
public int hashCode();
public String toString();
- Parameters
- rgb
Composite color value
- Description
Constructs a Color object with
the given rgb value.
- Parameters
- red
Red component of color in the range[0, 255]
- green
Green component of color in the range[0, 255]
- blue
Blue component of color in the range[0, 255]
- Description
Constructs a Color object with
the given red, green,
and blue values.
- Parameters
- red
Red component of color in the range[0.0, 1.0]
- green
Green component of color in the range[0.0, 1.0]
- blue
Blue component of color in the range[0.0, 1.0]
- Description
Constructs a Color object with
the given red, green,
and blue values.
- Parameters
- nm
A String
representing a color as a 24-bit integer.
- Returns
The color requested.
- Throws
- NumberFormatException
nm cannot be converted to a number.
- Description
Gets color specified by the given string.
- Parameters
- name
The name of a system
property indicating which color to fetch.
- Returns
Color instance of name requested,
or null if the name
is invalid.
- Description
Gets color specified by the system property name.
- Parameters
- name
The name
of a system property indicating which color to fetch.
- defaultColor
Color to return
if name is not found in properties,
or invalid.
- Returns
Color instance of name requested,
or defaultColor if the name
is invalid.
- Description
Gets color specified by the system property name.
- Parameters
- name
The name
of a system property indicating which color to fetch.
- defaultColor
Color to return
if name is not found in properties,
or invalid.
- Returns
Color instance of name requested,
or defaultColor if the name
is invalid.
- Description
Gets color specified by the system property name.
The default color is specified as a 32-bit RGB value.
- Parameters
- hue
Hue component of Color
to create, in the range[0.0, 1.0].
- saturation
Saturation component
of Color to create, in the
range[0.0, 1.0].
- brightness
Brightness component
of Color to create, in the
range[0.0, 1.0].
- Returns
Color instance for values provided.
- Description
Create an instance of Color
by using hue, saturation, and brightness instead of red, green, and blue
- Parameters
- hue
Hue component of Color
to convert, in the range[0.0, 1.0].
- saturation
Saturation component
of Color to convert, in the
range[0.0, 1.0].
- brightness
Brightness component
of Color to convert, in the
range[0.0, 1.0].
- Returns
Color value for hue, saturation, and brightness provided.
- Description
Converts a specific hue, saturation, and brightness to a Color
and returns the red, green, and blue values in a composite integer value.
- Parameters
- red
Red component of Color
to convert, in the range[0, 255].
- green
Green component of
Color to convert, in the range[0,
- blue
Blue component of Color
to convert, in the range[0, 255].
- hsbvalues
Three element array in which to put the result. This
array is used as the method's return object. If null, a new array
is allocated.
- Returns
Hue, saturation, and brightness values for Color
provided, in elements 0, 1, and 2 (respectively) of the returned array.
- Description
Allows you to convert specific red, green, blue value to the hue, saturation,
and brightness equivalent.
- Returns
Brighter version of current color.
- Description
Creates new Color that is somewhat
brighter than current.
- Returns
Darker version of current color.
- Description
Creates new Color that is somewhat
darker than current.
- Parameters
- object
The object to compare.
- Returns
true if object
represents the same color, false otherwise.
- Overrides
- Description
Compares two different Color
instances for equivalence.
- Returns
Blue component of current color.
- Returns
Green component of current color.
- Returns
Red component of current color.
- Returns
Current color as a composite value.
- Description
Gets integer value of current color.
- Returns
A hashcode to use when storing Color
in a Hashtable.
- Overrides
- Description
Generates a hashcode for the Color.
- Returns
A string representation of the Color object.
- Overrides
Object, Properties,
Serializable, String