2.3. JDBC DriversBefore you can use a driver, the driver must be registered with the JDBC DriverManager. This is typically done by loading the driver class using the Class.forName() method: try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Class.forName("com.oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { /* Handle Exception */ } One reason most programs call Class.forName() is that this method accepts a String argument, meaning that the program can store driver selection information dynamically (e.g., in a properties file). Another way to register drivers is to add the driver classes to the jdbc.drivers property. To use this technique, add a line like the following to ~/.hotjava/properties (on Windows systems this file can be found in your Java SDK installation directory): jdbc.drivers=com.oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver:foo.driver.dbDriver:com.al.AlDriver; Separate the names of individual drivers with colons and be sure the line ends with a semicolon. Programs rarely use this approach, as it requires additional configuration work on the part of end users. Every user needs to have the appropriate JDBC driver classes specified in his properties file. JDBC drivers are available for most database platforms, from a number of vendors and in a number of different flavors. There are four categories of drivers:
When you are selecting a driver, you need to balance speed, reliability, and portability. Different applications have different needs. A standalone, GUI-intensive program that always runs on a Windows NT system will benefit from the additional speed of a Type 2, native-code driver. An applet might need to use a Type 3 driver to get around a firewall. A servlet that is deployed across multiple platforms might require the flexibility of a Type 4 driver. A list of currently available JDBC drivers is available at http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/jdbc.drivers.html. 2.3.1. JDBC URLsA JDBC driver uses a JDBC URL to identify and connect to a particular database. These URLs are generally of the form: jdbc:driver:databasename The actual standard is quite fluid, however, as different databases require different information to connect successfully. For example, the Oracle JDBC-Thin driver uses a URL of the form: jdbc:oracle:thin:@site:port:database while the JDBC-ODBC Bridge uses: jdbc:odbc:datasource;odbcoptions The only requirement is that a driver be able to recognize its own URLs. 2.3.2. The JDBC-ODBC BridgeThe JDBC-ODBC Bridge ships with JDK 1.1 and the Java 2 SDK for Windows and Solaris systems. The bridge provides an interface between JDBC and database drivers written using Microsoft's Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) API. The bridge was originally written to allow the developer community to get up and running quickly with JDBC. Since the bridge makes extensive use of native method calls, it is not recommended for long-term or high-volume deployment. The bridge is not a required component of the Java SDK, so it is not supported by most web browsers or other runtime environments. Using the bridge in an applet requires a browser with a JVM that supports the JDBC-ODBC Bridge, as well as a properly configured ODBC driver and data source on the client side. Finally, due to different implementations of the native methods interface, the bridge does not work with some development environments, most notably Microsoft Visual J++. The JDBC URL subprotocol odbc has been reserved for the bridge. Like most JDBC URLs, it allows programs to encode extra information about the connection. ODBC URLs are of the form: jdbc:odbc:datasourcename[;attribute-name=attribute-value]* For instance, a JDBC URL pointing to an ODBC data source named companydb with the CacheSize attribute set to 10 looks like this: jdbc:odbc:companydb;CacheSize=10 Copyright © 2001 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. |