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Chapter 8 - Customizing the Apache Configuration Process / The Apache Configuration Directive API Reimplementing mod_mime in Perl As a full example of creating custom configuration directives, we're going
to reimplement the standard mod_mime module in Perl. It has a total
of seven different directives, each with a different argument syntax. In addition
to showing you how to handle a complex configuration setup, this example will
show you in detail what goes on behind the scenes as mod_mime associates
a content handler with each URI request. This module replaces the standard mod_mime module. You do not have
to remove mod_mime from the standard compiled-in modules in order
to test this module. However, if you wish to remove mod_mime anyway
in order to convince yourself that the replacement actually works, the easiest
way to do this is to compile mod_mime as a dynamically loaded module
and then comment out the lines in httpd.conf that load it. In either
case, install Apache::MIME as the default MIME-checking phase handler
by putting this line in perl.conf or one of the other configuration
PerlTypeHandler Apache::MIME
Like the previous example, the configuration information is contained in
two files. Makefile.PL (Example 8-3)
describes the directives, and Apache/ (Example 8-4)
defines the callbacks for processing the directives at runtime. In order to
reimplement mod_mime, we need to reimplement a total of seven directives,
including SetHandler, AddHandler, AddType, and
AddEncoding. Makefile.PL defines the seven directives using the anonymous hash
method. All but one of the directives is set to use the OR_FILEINFO
context, which allows the directives to appear anywhere in the main configuration
files, as well as in .htaccess files, provided that Override
FileInfo is also set. The exception, TypesConfig, is the directive
that indicates where the default table of MIME types is to be found. It only
makes sense to process this directive during server startup, so its context
is given as RSRC_CONF , limiting the directive to the body of
any of the .conf files. We don't specify the args_how
key for the directives; instead, we allow command_table() to figure
out the syntax for us by looking at the function prototypes in
Running perl Makefile.PL will now create a .xs file,
which will be compiled into a loadable object file during make.
Example 8-3. Makefile.PL for Apache::MIME
package Apache::MIME;
# File: Makefile.PL
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
use Apache::src ();
use Apache::ExtUtils qw(command_table);
my @directives = (
{ name => 'SetHandler',
errmsg => 'a handler name',
req_override => 'OR_FILEINFO' },
{ name => 'AddHandler',
errmsg => 'a handler name followed by one or more file extensions', req_override => 'OR_FILEINFO' },
{ name => 'ForceType',
errmsg => 'a handler name',
req_override => 'OR_FILEINFO' },
{ name => 'AddType',
errmsg => 'a mime type followed by one or more file extensions',
req_override => 'OR_FILEINFO' },
{ name => 'AddLanguage',
errmsg => 'a language (e.g., fr), followed by one or more file extensions',
req_override => 'OR_FILEINFO' },
{ name => 'AddEncoding',
errmsg => 'an encoding (e.g., gzip), followed by one or more file extensions', req_override => 'OR_FILEINFO' },
{ name => 'TypesConfig',
errmsg => 'the MIME types config file',
req_override => 'RSRC_CONF'
command_table \@directives;
'NAME' => __PACKAGE__,
'INC' => Apache::src->new->inc,
Turning to Example 8-4, we start by bringing
in the DynaLoader and Apache::ModuleConfig modules as we
did in the overview example at the beginning of this section:
package Apache::MIME;
# File: Apache/
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
use LWP::MediaTypes qw(read_media_types guess_media_type add_type add_encoding); use DynaLoader ();
use Apache ();
use Apache::ModuleConfig ();
use Apache::Constants qw(:common DIR_MAGIC_TYPE DECLINE_CMD);
@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
$VERSION = '0.01';
if($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
no strict;
@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
We also bring in Apache, Apache::Constants, and an LWP
library called LWP::Media-Types. The Apache and Apache::Constants
libraries will be used within the handler() subroutine, while the
LWP library provides utilities for guessing MIME types, languages, and encodings
from file extensions. As before, Apache::MIME needs to call bootstrap()
immediately after loading other modules in order to bring in its compiled
.xs half. Notice that we have to explicitly import the DIR_MAGIC_TYPE
and DECLINE_CMD constants from Apache::Constants, as
these are not exported by default. Let's skip over handler() for the moment and look at the seven
configuration callbacks: TypesConfig(), AddType(), AddEncoding(),
and so on.
sub TypesConfig ($$$) {
my($cfg, $parms, $file) = @_;
my $types_config = Apache->server_root_relative($file);
#to co-exist with mod_mime.c
return DECLINE_CMD if Apache->module("mod_mime.c");
TypesConfig() has a function prototype of ($$$) , indicating
a directive syntax of TAKE1 . It will be called with the name
of the file holding the MIME types table as its third argument. The callback
retrieves the filename, turns it into a server-relative path, and stores the
path into a lexical variable. The callback then calls the LWP function read_media_types()
to parse the file and add the MIME types found there to an internal table
maintained by LWP::MediaTypes. When the LWP::Media-Types
function guess_media_type() is called subsequently, this table will
be consulted. Note that there is no need, in this case, to store the configuration
information into the $cfg hash reference because the information
is only needed at the time the configuration directive is processed. Another important detail is that the TypesConfig handler will return
DECLINE_CMD if the mod_mime module is installed. This
gives mod_mime a chance to also read the TypesConfig file.
If mod_mime isn't given this opportunity, it will complain bitterly
and abort server startup. However, we don't allow any of the other directive
handlers to fall through to mod_mime in this way, effectively cutting
mod_mime out of the loop.
sub AddType ($$@;@) {
my($cfg, $parms, $type, $ext) = @_;
add_type($type, $ext);
The AddType() directive callback is even shorter. Its function
prototype is ($$@;@) , indicating an ITERATE2 syntax.
This means that if the AddType directive looks like this:
AddType application/x-chicken-feed .corn .barley .oats
the function will be called three times. Each time the callback is invoked
its third argument will be application/x-chicken-feed and the fourth
argument will be successively set to .corn, .barley, and
.oats. The function recovers the third and fourth parameters and
passes them to the LWP::MediaTypes function add_type().
This simply adds the file type and extension to LWP's internal table.
sub AddEncoding ($$@;@) {
my($cfg, $parms, $enc, $ext) = @_;
add_encoding($enc, $ext);
AddEncoding() is similar to AddType() but uses the LWP::MediaTypesadd_encoding() function to associate a series of file extensions
with a MIME encoding. More interesting are the SetHandler() and AddHandler()
sub SetHandler ($$$) {
my($cfg, $parms, $handler) = @_;
$cfg->{'handler'} = $handler;
sub AddHandler ($$@;@) {
my($cfg, $parms, $handler, $ext) = @_;
$cfg->{'handlers'}->{$ext} = $handler;
The job of the SetHandler directive is to force requests for the
specified path to be passed to the indicated content handler, no questions
asked. AddHandler(), in contrast, adds a series of file extensions
to the table consulted by the MIME type checker when it attempts to choose
the proper content handler for the request. In both cases, the configuration
information is needed again at request time, so we have to keep it in long-term
storage within the $cfg hash. SetHandler() is again a TAKE1 type of callback. It
recovers the content handler name from its third argument and stores it in
the $cfg data structure under the key handler . AddHandler()
is an ITERATE2 callback which receives the name of a content
handler and a file extension as its third and fourth arguments. The callback
stuffs this information into an anonymous hash maintained in $cfg
under the handlers key.
sub ForceType ($$$) {
my($cfg, $parms, $type) = @_;
$cfg->{'type'} = $type;
The ForceType directive is used to force all documents in a path
to be a particular MIME type, regardless of their file extensions. It's often
used within a <Directory> section to force the type of all
documents contained within and is helpful for dealing with legacy documents
that don't have informative file extensions. The ForceType() callback
uses a TAKE1 syntax in which the required argument is a MIME
type. The callback recovers the MIME type and stores it in the $cfg
hash reference under the key type .
sub AddLanguage ($$@;@) {
my($cfg, $parms, $language, $ext) = @_;
$ext =~ s/^\.//;
$cfg->{'language_types'}->{$ext} = lc $language;
The last directive handler, AddLanguage(), implements the AddLanguage
directive, in which a series of file extensions are associated with a language
code (e.g., "fr" for French, "en" for English). It is an ITERATE2
callback and works just like AddHandler(), except that the dot is
stripped off the file extension before storing it into the $cfg hash . This is because of an old inconsistency in the way that
mod_mime works, in which the AddLanguage directive expects
dots in front of the file extensions, while the AddType and AddHandler
directives do not. Now we turn our attention to the handler() subroutine itself. This
code will be called at request time during the MIME type checking phase. It
has five responsibilities: - Guess the MIME content type for the requested
- Guess the content encoding for the requested
- Guess the content language for the requested
- Set the content handler for the request.
- If the requested document is a directory,
initiate special directory processing.
Items 1 through 3 are important but not critical. The content type, encoding,
and language may well be changed during the response phase by the content
handler. In particular, the MIME type is very frequently changed (e.g., by
CGI scripts). Item 4, however, is crucial since it determines what code will
be invoked to respond to the request. It is also necessary to detect and treat
requests for directory names specially, using a pseudo-MIME type to initiate
Apache's directory handling.
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
if(-d $r->finfo) {
return OK;
handler() begins by shifting the Apache request object off the
subroutine stack. The subroutine now does a series of checks on the requested
document. First, it checks whether $r->finfo() refers to a directory.
If so, then handler() sets the request content type to a pseudo-MIME
type defined by the constant DIR_MAGIC_TYPE and exits. Returning
DIR_MAGIC_TYPE signals Apache that the user requested a directory,
causing the server to pass control to any content handlers that list this
constant among the MIME types they handle. mod_dir and mod_autoindex
are two of the standard modules that are capable of generating directory listings.
my($type, @encoding) = guess_media_type($r->filename);
$r->content_type($type) if $type;
unshift @encoding, $r->content_encoding if $r->content_encoding;
$r->content_encoding(join ", ", @encoding) if @encoding;
If the file is not a directory, then we try to guess its MIME type and encoding.
We call on the LWP::MediaTypes function guess_media_type()
to do the work, passing it the filename and receiving a MIME type and list
of encodings in return. Although unusual, it is theoretically possible for
a file to have multiple encodings, and LWP::MediaTypes allows this.
The returned type is immediately used to set the MIME type of the requested
document by calling the request object's content_type() method. Likewise,
the list of encodings is added to the request using content_encoding()
after joining them together into a comma-delimited string. The only subtlety
here is that we honor any previously defined encoding for the requested document
by adding it to the list of encodings returned by guess_media_type().
This is in case the handler for a previous phase happened to add some content
encoding. Now comes some processing that depends on the values in the configuration
hash, so we recover the $cfg variable by calling Apache::ModuleConfig's
get() method:
my $cfg = Apache::ModuleConfig->get($r);
The next task is to parse out the requested file's extensions and use them
to set the file's MIME type and/or language.
for my $ext (LWP::MediaTypes::file_exts($r->filename)) {
if(my $type = $cfg->{'language_types'}->{$ext}) {
my $ltypes = $r->content_languages;
push @$ltypes, $type;
Using the LWP::MediaTypes function file_exts(), we split
out all the extensions in the requested document's filename and loop through
them. This allows a file named to be recognized
and dealt with appropriately. We first check whether the extension matches one of the extensions in the
configuration object's language_types key. If so, we use the extension
to set the language code for the document. Although it is somewhat unusual,
the HTTP specification allows a document to specify multiple languages in
its Content-Language field, so we go to some lengths to merge multiple
language codes into one long list which we then set with the request object's
content_languages() method.
if(my $type = $cfg->{'handlers'}->{$ext} and !$r->proxyreq) {
While still in the loop, we deal with the content handler for the request.
We check whether the extension is among the ones defined in the configuration
variable's handlers hash. If so, we call the request object's
handler() method to set the content handler to the indicated value.
The only catch is that if the current transaction is a proxy request, we do
not want to alter the content handler because another module may have set
the content handler during the URI translation phase.
$r->content_type($cfg->{'type'}) if $cfg->{'type'}; $r->handler($cfg->{'handler'}) if $cfg->{'handler'};
After looping through the file extensions, we handle the ForceType
and SetHandler directives, which have the effect of overriding file
extensions. If the configuration key type is nonempty, we use
it to force the MIME type to the specified value. Likewise, if handler
is nonempty, we again call handler(), replacing whatever content
handler was there before.
return OK;
At the end of handler(), we return OK to tell Apache
that the MIME type checking phase has been handled successfully. Although this module was presented mainly as an exercise, with minimal work
it can be used to improve on mod_mime. For example, you might have
noticed that the standard mod_mime has no ForceEncoding
or ForceLanguage directives that allow you to override the file extension
mappings in the way that you can with ForceType. This is easy enough
to fix in Apache::MIME by adding the appropriate directive definitions
and callbacks.
Example 8-4. Apache::MIME Reimplements
the Standard mod_mime Module
package Apache::MIME;
# File: Apache/
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
use LWP::MediaTypes qw(read_media_types guess_media_type add_type add_encoding); use DynaLoader ();
use Apache ();
use Apache::ModuleConfig ();
use Apache::Constants qw(:common DIR_MAGIC_TYPE DECLINE_CMD);
@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
$VERSION = '0.01';
if($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
no strict;
@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
if(-d $r->finfo) {
return OK;
my($type, @encoding) = guess_media_type($r->filename);
$r->content_type($type) if $type;
unshift @encoding, $r->content_encoding if $r->content_encoding;
$r->content_encoding(join ", ", @encoding) if @encoding;
my $cfg = Apache::ModuleConfig->get($r);
for my $ext (LWP::MediaTypes::file_exts($r->filename)) {
if(my $type = $cfg->{'language_types'}->{$ext}) {
my $ltypes = $r->content_languages;
push @$ltypes, $type;
if(my $type = $cfg->{'handlers'}->{$ext} and !$r->proxyreq) {
$r->content_type($cfg->{'type'}) if $cfg->{'type'};
$r->handler($cfg->{'handler'}) if $cfg->{'handler'};
return OK;
sub TypesConfig ($$$) {
my($cfg, $parms, $file) = @_;
my $types_config = Apache->server_root_relative($file);
#to co-exist with mod_mime.c
return DECLINE_CMD if Apache->module("mod_mime.c");
sub AddType ($$@;@) {
my($cfg, $parms, $type, $ext) = @_;
add_type($type, $ext);
sub AddEncoding ($$@;@) {
my($cfg, $parms, $enc, $ext) = @_;
add_encoding($enc, $ext);
sub SetHandler ($$$) {
my($cfg, $parms, $handler) = @_;
$cfg->{'handler'} = $handler;
sub AddHandler ($$@;@) {
my($cfg, $parms, $handler, $ext) = @_;
$cfg->{'handlers'}->{$ext} = $handler;
sub ForceType ($$$) {
my($cfg, $parms, $type) = @_;
$cfg->{'type'} = $type;
sub AddLanguage ($$@;@) {
my($cfg, $parms, $language, $ext) = @_;
$ext =~ s/^\.//;
$cfg->{'language_types'}->{$ext} = lc $language;
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