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Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
By:   Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern
Published:   O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.  - March 1999

Copyright © 1999 by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.


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Chapter 2 - A First Module
Instant Modules with Apache::Registry

By now, although it may not be obvious, you've seen two of the problems with using the Apache APIs. The first problem is that you can't make changes to modules casually. When using the Perl API, you have to restart the server in order to have your changes take effect. With the C API, you have to rebuild the module library or completely relink the server executable. Depending on the context, this can be a minor annoyance (when you're developing a module on a test server that gets light usage) to a bit of a headache (when you're trying to apply bug fixes to an installed module on a heavily used production server).

The second problem is that Apache API modules don't look anything like CGI scripts. If you've got a lot of CGI scripts that you want to run faster, porting them to the Apache API can be a major undertaking.

Apache::Registry, an Apache Perl module that is part of the mod_perl distribution, solves both problems with one stroke. When it runs, it creates a pseudo-CGI environment that so exactly mimics the real thing that Perl CGI scripts can run under it unmodified. It also maintains a cache of the scripts under its control. When you make a change to a script, Apache::Registry notices that the script's modification date has been updated and recompiles the script, making the changes take effect immediately without a server restart. Apache::Registry provides a clean upgrade path for existing CGI scripts. Running CGI scripts under Apache::Registry gives them an immediate satisfying performance boost without having to make any source code changes. Later you can modify the script at your own pace to take advantage of the nifty features offered only by the Apache API.

Be aware that Apache::Registry is intended only for Perl CGI scripts. CGI scripts written in other languages cannot benefit from the speedup of having a Perl interpreter embedded in the server.

To install Apache::Registry you'll need to create a directory to hold the scripts that it manages. We recommend a perl directory within the server root, such as ~www/perl. Now enter the following directives into perl.conf:

 Alias /perl/ /usr/local/apache/perl/
<Location /perl>
  SetHandler     perl-script
  PerlHandler    Apache::Registry
  PerlSendHeader On
  Options        +ExecCGI

The Alias directive makes URIs beginning with /perl part of the virtual document tree and associates it with the physical path /usr/local/apache/perl. Change this as appropriate for your site. The meaning of the various directives inside <Location> are explained fully in Chapter 4.

Restart the server, and give Apache::Registry a try by creating the script shown in Example 2-3. Name it hello.pl, make it executable, and move it into ~www/perl/. With your browser, fetch http://your.site/perl/hello.pl. You should see the familiar page that we first saw in Figure 2-1.

Example 2-3. "Hello World" Using Apache::Registry 

# file: hello.pl
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
print <<END;
<TITLE>Hello There</TITLE>
<H1>Hello $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}</H1>
Who would take this book seriously if the first example didn't
say "hello world"? </BODY> </HTML> END

As you can see, hello.pl looks identical to a normal CGI script, even down to the use of $ENV{REMOTE_HOST} to fetch the CGI environment variable that contains the name of the remote host. If you make changes to this script, they will take effect immediately without requiring a server restart. Plus, if you press the browser's reload button a few times in quick succession, you may notice that it reloads much faster than a normal Perl CGI script would. That's because the script's compiled code remains in memory between fetches. There's none of the usual overhead for loading and running the Perl interpreter.

If you are used to using the CGI.pm module, you'll be heartened to learn that under Apache::Registry you can create and process fill-out forms in exactly the way you would in standard CGI scripts. Example 2-4 shows the code for hello_there.pl, another simple-minded example which creates and processes a short fill-out form.

Example 2-4. Processing a Fill-Out Form with Apache::Registry and CGI.pm 

use CGI qw(:standard);
use strict;
my $name = param('name') || 'Anonymous';
print header(),
     h1("Hello $name"),
       "To change your name, enter it into the text field below and press",
       em("change name.")
     "Name: ",textfield(-name=>'name',-value=>'Anonymous'),
      submit(-value=>'Change Name'),

The script begins by importing CGI.pm's standard group of function definitions.8 It then fetches a CGI parameter named name and stores it in a local variable, calling CGI.pm's param() function to do the dirty work of parsing the CGI query string. The script now calls CGI::header() to produce the HTTP header, and builds up an HTML document in one long print statement that makes calls to several other CGI functions. Among these calls are ones to produce the fill-out form, a text field, and a submit button.

Figure 2-7 shows a sample page produced by this script.

Figure 2-7. The Apache::Registry script generates a fill-out form to accept and process user input.

You'll find that most other CGI scripts will work just fine under Apache::Registry. Those that don't are ones that assume that the process will go away after their code exits and don't bother to do any cleanup as a result. For example, scripts that use global variables without initializing them first will be unpleasantly surprised when the global contains leftover data from a previous invocation of the script's code. Scripts that use the process ID to create unique filenames are also in for a shock when they're run again with the same PID.

The best way to avoid such problems is by writing clean code. Avoid using global variables and always use use strict to check for inadvertent typos. While use strict may be painful at first, it will save you more time in the long run, along with giving you a warm fuzzy feeling that you are practicing good code hygiene. Be sure to clean up data structures such as open filehandles and database handles before your code exits. The Apache::register_cleanup() method is a handy way to arrange to have a cleanup subroutine called before control returns to the server.

In the short term, another approach is to run legacy scripts with Apache::PerlRun. Unlike Apache::Registry, this module simply runs the script once and forgets about it, just like a conventional CGI script. Apache::PerlRun avoids the overhead of launching the Perl interpreter for each request but still suffers the compile-time hit from loading each script. Therefore, it realizes some but not all of the performance increase of Apache::Registry.

More information on Apache::Registry and Apache::PerlRun scripts can be found in Chapters 3 and 4. We discuss register_cleanup() and other tricks in Chapter 7.


8 Although it's handy to import function definitions in this way, there's a significant memory overhead for every symbol you import. If you have a lot of scripts that import from CGI.pm, your httpd processes will eventually become too large. You can avoid this by precompiling and importing CGI.pm's function calls from within the Perl startup script by using the command use CGI qw(-compile:all). Alternatively, you can use CGI.pm's object-oriented calling syntax, which does not carry the symbol importation overhead.

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