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Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
By:   Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern
Published:   O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.  - March 1999

Copyright © 1999 by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.


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Chapter 9 - Perl API Reference Guide / Special Global Variables, Subroutines, and Literals

Subroutines with capitalized names have special meaning to Perl. Familiar examples may include DESTROY and BEGIN. mod_perl also recognizes these subroutines and treats them specially.


Perl executes BEGIN blocks during the compile time of code as soon as possible. The same is true under mod_perl. However, since mod_perl normally only compiles scripts and modules once in the parent server or once per child, BEGIN blocks in that code will only be run once.

Once a BEGIN block has run, it is immediately undefined by removing it from the symbol table. In the mod_perl environment, this means BEGIN blocks will not be run during each incoming request unless that request happens to be the one that is compiling the code. When a .pm module or other Perl code file is pulled in via require or use, its BEGIN blocks will be executed as follows:

— Once at startup time if pulled in by the parent process by a PerlModule directive or in the Perl startup script.

— Once per child process if not pulled in by the parent process.

— An additional time in each child process if Apache::StatINC is loaded and the module is modified.

— An additional time in the parent process on each restart if PerlFreshRestart is On.

— At unpredictable times if you fiddle with %INC yourself. Don't do this unless you know what you are doing.

Apache::Registry scripts can contain BEGIN blocks as well. In this case, they will be executed as follows:

— Once at startup time if pulled in by the parent process via Apache::RegistryLoader.

— Once per child process if not pulled in by the parent process.

— An additional time in each child process if the script file is modified.

— An additional time in the parent process on each restart if the script was pulled in by the parent process with Apache::RegistryLoader and Perl-Fresh-Restart is On.


In Perl, an END subroutine defined in a module or script is executed as late as possible, that is, when the interpreter is being exited. In the mod_perl environment, the interpreter does not exit until the server is shutdown. However, mod_perl does make a special case for Apache::Registry scripts.

Normally, END blocks are executed by Perl during its perl_run() function, which is called once each time the Perl program is executed, e.g., once per CGI (mod_cgi) script. However, mod_perl only calls perl_run() once during server startup. Any END blocks that are encountered during main server start-up, such as those pulled in by PerlRequire or PerlModule , are suspended and run at server shutdown time during the child_exit phase.

Any END blocks that are encountered during compilation of Apache::Registry scripts are called after the script has completed the response, including subsequent invocations when the script is cached in memory. All other END blocks encountered during other Perl*Handler callbacks (e.g., PerlChildInitHandler) will be suspended while the process is running and called only during child_exit when the process is shutting down.

Module authors may wish to use $r->register_cleanup as an alternative to END blocks if this behavior is not desirable.

Magic Literals

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Perl recognizes a few magic literals during script compilation. By and large, they act exactly like their counterparts in the standalone Perl interpreter.


This token works just as it does with the standalone Perl interpreter, causing compilation to terminate. However, this causes a problem for Apache::Registry scripts. Since the scripts are compiled inside of a subroutine, using __END__ will cut off the enclosing brace, causing script compilation to fail. If your Apache::Registry scripts use this literal, they will not run.

In partial compensation for this deficiency, mod_perl lets you use the __END__ token anywhere in your server configuration files to cut out experimental configuration or to make a notepad space that doesn't require you to use the # comment token on each line. Everything below the __END__ token will be ignored.

Special Package Globals

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There are a number of useful globals located in the Apache::Server namespace that you are free to use in your own modules. Unless otherwise specified, treat them as read-only. Changing their values will lead to unpredictable results.


This variable is set to the directory from which the server was started.


If the code is running in the parent server when the server is first started, the value is set to 1; otherwise, it is set to 0.


If the code is running in the parent server when the server is restarted, this variable will be true; otherwise, it will be false. The value is incremented each time the server is restarted.


As described in Chapter 8, <Perl> configuration sections are compiled inside the Apache::ReadConfig namespace. This namespace is normally flushed after mod_perl has finished processing the section. However, if the $Apache::Server::SaveConfig variable is set to a true value, the namespace will not be flushed, making configuration data available to Perl modules at request time.

$Apache::Server::SaveConfig = 1;
$DocumentRoot = ...

At request time, the value of $DocumentRoot can be accessed with the fully qualified name $Apache::ReadConfig::DocumentRoot.

The next chapters show the Apache API from the perspective of the C-language programmer, telling you everything you need to know to squeeze the last drop of performance out of Apache by writing extension modules in a fast compiled language.

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