Use a portable audio player

Ubuntu supports many portable audio players, including the iPod.

Using an iPod

You can play music directly off an iPod with Rhythmbox Music Player. Plug the iPod into the computer, and open Rhythmbox.

To transfer music files to and from an iPod, you can use gtkpod:

  1. Install the gtkpod package from the “Universe” repository (see Add Applications).

  2. To run gtkpod, choose ApplicationsSound & Videogtkpod.

See the Community Help pages for more information on using an iPod with Ubuntu.

Using other audio players

Ubuntu supports many other audio players. Most of these work simply by plugging them in to your computer and copying music onto them.

Users of Creative Nomad Jukebox audio players may need to install the gnomad2 package from the “Universe” repository to be able to use their device (see Add Applications).