Instant Messaging

Instant messaging (IM) is a way of communicating with friends and family by sending messages to one another over the Internet. Instant messaging happens in real-time, and there is no delay between you typing a message and the other person receiving it.

Pidgin Internet Messenger

Pidgin is the default instant messenger client in Ubuntu, and was formerly known as Gaim. With Pidgin you can talk to people who use AIM/ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, GroupWise, IRC, Jabber, MSN, Napster, Bonjour and Yahoo, and list all your buddies in a single window.

To start Pidgin, choose Applications → Internet → Pidgin Internet Messenger.

There are several extra packages available for Pidgin, which add extra features and allow you to change the way Pidgin looks:

  • pidgin-plugin-pack

  • pidgin-extprefs

  • guifications

  • pidgin-libnotify

You will have to use the Synaptic Package Manager to install these packages. See Add Applications for help on installing new software.

Connect to a MSN Server

First register an MSN account by going to the Microsoft Internet Messenger website and following the relevant instructions. Once you have your account details, you can continue with the procedure below.

  1. Select from the Pidgin menu: Accounts → Add/Edit,

  2. Click on the Add button,

  3. Under the Basic tab, select the MSN Protocol that you'll be using,

  4. Fill in your screen name (this is your MSN account name),

  5. Enter your password and then your local alias (Username),

  6. If you are connected to your network behind a firewall, goto Accounts → Add/Edit → Advanced tab and set the relevant information for your proxy server, including your proxy username and password details.

  7. Once you've done, click the Save button.

Connect to a XMPP server

  1. Select from the Pidgin menu: Accounts → Add/Edit,

  2. Click on the Add button,

  3. Under the Basic tab, select the XMPP Protocol that you'll be using, fill in your screenname (this is your XMPP account name),

  4. If you don't have an XMPP/Jabber account already setup, then you can create one by registering an account by selecting the Register button and follow the instructions to create one.

  5. The domain name is the name of your XMPP or Jabber server,

  6. Enter your password and then your local alias (Username),

  7. If you are connected to your network behind a firewall, goto Accounts → Add/Edit → Advanced tab and set the relevant information for your proxy server, including your proxy username and password details.

  8. Once you have finished, click the Save button.

Connect to a Simple (Ekiga) server

First register an Ekiga account at and wait for the e-mail confirmation. Once you have received your account details, make a note of it and continue with the following procedure.

  1. Select from the Pidgin menu: Accounts → Add/Edit,

  2. Click on the Add button,

  3. Under the Basic tab, select Simple Protocol,

  4. Fill in your screenname (this is your Ekiga account name),

  5. The server name is the name of your Ekiga server, which should be:,

  6. Enter your password and then your local alias (Ekiga Username),

  7. Select the Advance tab,

  8. Publish status and select the on option,

  9. Connect port must be set to: 5060,

  10. The Use UDP option must be selected

  11. If you're behind a proxy server, then fill in the relevant proxy information,

  12. Once you have finished, click the Save button.

Connect to a IRC server

  1. Select from the Pidgin menu: Accounts → Add/Edit,

  2. Click on the Add button,

  3. Under the Basic tab, select IRC Protocol,

  4. Fill in your screenname, which will be your IRC Nickname,

  5. The server name will be your preferred IRC server, which could be:,

  6. Password can be left empty and then your local alias (IRC Nickname),

  7. If you're behind a proxy server, fill in the relevant proxy information,

  8. Once you have finished, click the Save button.

Ekiga Softphone

Ekiga is the default Internet telephony (VoIP) application in Ubuntu. It lets you make audio and video calls over the Internet to people who have hardware or software that follows the SIP or H.323 standards and also features basic instant messaging. It is compatible with Windows Messenger and most VoIP applications. However, Ekiga cannot communicate with Skype because the latter uses proprietary technology. If you have the right SIP provider, you can also use Ekiga to place calls to any normal phone line.

To start Ekiga, choose Applications → Internet → Ekiga Softphone.

Create Ekiga Softphone Account

Before starting Ekiga Softphone you need to create an Ekiga account. To do this goto, click the subscribe link and complete the registration instructions. Once you have received your account details continue with the procedure below.

  1. Select from the Ekiga Softphone menu: Edit → Accounts

  2. Enter an Account Name: you can give it a name which describes the service provider e.g. Ekiga

  3. Enter a Registrar: this will be

  4. Enter a User: this is the username that you registered with

  5. Enter a Password: this is the password you entered when you registered your account

  6. Select the the More Options item

  7. Enter an Authentication Login: your username eg.,

  8. Enter a Realm/Domain:

  9. Enter a Registration Timeout: 3600

  10. Once you have finished, click the OK → Close.

Once you've completed the registration and account creation, you'll be able to make your VoIP/Video calls!


The Ekiga Community Documentation Wiki contains some very useful, detailed guides of the Ekiga features, application and troubleshooting tips. These guides include: configuring Audio, Network and Webcam for Ekiga and how to use theEkiga application and service.

IRC instant messaging

For users of IRC instant messaging services, an alternative to Pidgin is XChat-GNOME. Its features include advanced scripting support (perl and python) and a clean, easy to use interface.

  1. Install the xchat-gnome package (see Add Applications).

  2. To start XChat-GNOME, choose Applications → Internet → Xchat-GNOME IRC Chat.

Getting help using IRC instant messaging

One excellent way to get help with Ubuntu or to introduce yourself to IRC is to join Ubuntu's official support channel on Freenode.

  1. Start XChat-Gnome as above.

  2. When you start XChat-Gnome for the first time, it will ask you for an IRC Nickname & your real name. Pick anything you want for your nick (first initial & your last name is good, or be more creative), put your real name or part of it, and press OK.

  3. In the Server Window that opens next, select Ubuntu Servers, and press Connect.