+--- Widget
+--- Container
+--- Bin
+--- Window
+--- FileSelectionDialog
The file selection dialog is a quick and simple way to display a dialog box to prompt the user for a filename. It comes complete with Ok, Cancel, and Help buttons, and it's a great way to cut down on programming time.
To create a new file selection box use:
$file_dialog = new Gtk::FileSelection( $title );
To set the filename, for example to bring up a specific directory, or give a default filename, use this function:
$file_dialog->set_filename( $filename );
To grab the text that the user has entered or clicked on, use this function:
You can match a pattern to a filename in the current directory using the following function:
$file_dialog->complete( $pattern );
If a match can be made, the matched filename will appear in the text entry field of the file selection dialog. If a partial match can be made, the list of files will contain those filenames which have been partially matched.
An example of a pattern would be *.txt or gtk*.
The File Selection Dialog can show some file operation buttons. You can show these buttons using:
These buttons can be hidden using:$file_dialog->show_fileop_buttons();
You can also access the widgets contained within the file selection widget. These are:
Most likely you will want to use the ok_button, cancel_button, and help_button widgets in signaling their use.
Included here is an example stolen from testgtk.c, modified to run on its own. As you will see, there is nothing much to creating a file selection widget. While in this example the Help button appears on the screen, it does nothing as there is not a signal attached to it.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Gtk ; use strict ; set_locale Gtk; init Gtk; my $false = 0; my $true = 1; my $file_dialog; # Create a new file selection widget $file_dialog = new Gtk::FileSelection( "File Selection" ); $file_dialog->signal_connect( "destroy", sub { Gtk-> exit ( 0 ); } ); # Connect the ok_button to file_ok_sel function $file_dialog->ok_button->signal_connect( "clicked", \&file_ok_sel, $file_dialog ); # Connect the cancel_button to destroy the widget $file_dialog->cancel_button->signal_connect( "clicked", sub { Gtk-> exit ( 0 ); } ); # Lets set the filename, as if this were a save dialog, and we are giving # a default filename $file_dialog->set_filename( "penguin.png" ); $file_dialog->show(); main Gtk; exit ( 0 ); # Get the selected filename and print it to the console sub file_ok_sel { my ( $widget, $file_selection ) = @_; my $file = $file_selection->get_filename(); print ( "$file\n" ); } # END EXAMPLE PROGRAM
File Dialog Example Screenshot